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Carine Wildlife Gateway

26 août 2018

Raton laveur

Procyon lotor

Bien qu'il ait une adorable frimousse, il est classé nuisible par un arrêté ministériel du 30 juin 2015, c'est un animal invasif (importé) qui se reproduit bien: les portées sont de 2 à 5 petits par an et il n’a pas de prédateurs en Europe. Omnivore, il se nourrit de petits rongeurs et batraciens et fait des dégâts chez nos oiseaux mais quelle bouille adorable!

Although it has a cute face, the Racoon is considered as a pest in France by decree since the 30th of 2015; it is an invasive animal and a successful breeder giving birth to 2 to 5 five pups a year. Omnivorous, it feeds on rodents, amphibians but also on birds but what a cute face!

Ils étaient 4!
They were 4!

17 commentaires :

  1. I'm so surprised that you have Racoons in France, Carine. Are they a feral population from animals escaped from zoos and private collections? Even if they are classed as a pest and live on much-loved wildlife, I have to agree with you that they have very cute faces, as your super images show.

    Take good care and have a good week - - - - Richard

  2. Hi Noushka.

    They look nice, so many animals that are now in countries that do not really belong.
    And yet feel at home there, even though they drive away other species.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  3. ils ont été élevés pour leur fourrure mais depuis l'interdiction ils ont été relâchés dans la nature ! c'est une plaie dans les marais comme celui de Guérande

  4. Hello Noushka,
    Very nice and funny shots. Wonderful with their whole family in the tree.
    They are so cute to see, but I read in your report in this post that they can cause an invasion.

    Kind regards,

  5. Wow, did not even know racoons were in France, great photos. Pity they are a pest though as they really are quite cute. Invasive animal, bird and insect species are a mounting problem all over it seems. Keep well and take care. Hugs Diane

  6. Hi Carine!
    Here in Brazil we have several invasive species that came from other countries and adapted very well without predators. But none as cute as those there!
    It's necessary to have more positive environmental policies that avoid risk situations in the future...

    Bia <º(((<

  7. Voilà ce que cela donne de ne pas respecter les zones naturelles d'implantation des animaux.
    Cet adorable petit raton laveur est devenu un "nuisible".
    Ah les humains....

  8. Les bandits masqués ! Heureusement ici ils hibernent.

  9. Hi Noushka,
    What a beautiful face, such a shame they are a pest.
    I never realised you had Racoons in France.
    How did they arrive in France? from private collections or escapees from a zoo.
    All the best, John

  10. Oui une bouille trop craquante. Il m'a fallut un moment pour décripter la première photo lol.
    De vrais petits coquins !
    Bises et bonne semaine.

  11. Encore un qui paie pour nos conneries !

  12. This is a common species here of course. I have to bring my bird feeders in each night otherwise the raccoons will at a very minimum knock them to the ground and sometimes tear them apart. We had one get into our attic and they can cause a lot of damage in a hurry. It was expensive to have it removed humanely and all potential points of entry sealed off. Raccoons adapt really well to human settlement and, though they are adorable and interesting, can be a serious pest. They are also susceptible to being carriers of rabies. Enjoy your North American friend.

  13. Coucou Noushka,
    Excellents ces ratons laveurs.
    J'ai fait des photos semblables en allant faire un petit tour au parc animaliers des Pyrénées.
    Nuisibles.... ben tiens, le contraire aurait été étonnant !
    Grosses bises

  14. Hi Noushka,
    Racoons may look cute, but they are very bold. I have seen them many years ago in Costa Rica. They were very abundant over there. Let's hope they don't have too much influence upon the wildlife in France (and also in Germany where they also showed up I have heard).
    Greetings, Kees

  15. Bonjour Noushka,
    Bien qu'ils soient mignons, c'est regrettable de les trouver hors de leur milieux naturels. J'en avais vu au Canada, où ils viennent près des maisons, mais je ne savais pas qu'il y en avait en France. C'est la toute première peluche que j'ai acheté à ma fille!
    Les photos sont superbes et ils font toujours craquer!!

  16. Dearest Noushka,
    Lovely photos from the Bandit!
    While biking yesterday morning we saw one on the road, being killed by a car...
    I've watched once a Mama + Baby near our pond, in the moon-light when I had to get up at night.
    Sending you hugs,

  17. Cada vez hay más por todas partes.. Me dan pena porque son tan bellos.. Muy bonitas imágenes..


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