
14 nov. 2014

Bécassines des marais... Domaine des Oiseaux à Mazères, dans la lumière du soir

Gallinago gallinago
Charadriiformes - Scolopacidae

Comme pour les Bécasseaux variables, je n'ai pas eu beaucoup d'occasions de les avoir de très près à Mazères: des petits joncs de 25 cm de haut le long de l'eau gênaient et naturellement les bécassines faisaient des allers et retours au ras de l'eau juste derrière!! Donc je me suis concentrée sur la section qui se trouvait dans la lumière du soleil couchant! Au moins 3 couples arpentaient la vasière et chaque oiseau gardait son conjoint en vue, le rejoignant parfois, ou s'en séparant quelque peu pour chasser près d'un autre couple!

The Common snipe
As for the Dunlins, I didn't have many opportunities to have them really close as small rush stems 25 cms high along the water hampered photography seriously and of course the snipes were coming and going juuuust behind, along the water's edge! Grrrrr! So again, I concentrated on the section on my left, in the setting sunlight. At least 3 other couples were pacing up and down the mudflat and each bird kept his partner in sight, sometimes joining it sometime getting closer to another fishing couple!

A travers ces herbes pénibles:

Through thise ennoying grass...

Fascinant de les voir faire: celle-ci cherche sa proie, un ver...

It is fascinating o watch them look for a prey, here a mud worm:

... et tire dessus pour lui faire lâcher prise!

De l'autre côté, à contre-jour un 3è couple. En surexposant, on obtient que le plumage des oiseaux ressorte un peu mais le décor blanchit... On se croirait en plein hiver!

A third pair in the backlight: overexposing got the plumage details out but the surroundings took on an black and white tinge, as if winter had already settled!

14 commentaires:

  1. Hello, Noushka! I like the way you tell us the story behind the photos!:) Such beautiful birds!! I have lots to see and read in your blog!
    By the way, if you are interested in African animals, here is what I saw in Kenya a couple of years ago. Excuse me, please, for the quality of the photos - I have an ordinary camera, besides some of the distances were rather big... Have a nice weekend!

  2. Hola amiga Noushka preciosa las agachadizas las aves y vuestras fotos que siempre son de Lujo. Un abrazo amigos

  3. There's no doubt, nature is so wise...
    Look a that beak!

    Have a great weekend, Noushka :)

  4. Beautiful pictures. I particularly like the second one. Snipe are lovely birds when you see them up close.

  5. Je ris en voyant la bécassine tirer sur son ver…j'imagine la suite : ))
    Bonne fin de semaine Bises

  6. Coucou oiselle. Dis donc, on se fait une sacrée saison Bécassine !!! J'en mets une demain

    Encore une lumière douce que j'aime avoir. Bravo pour l'asticot. Génial.
    Bises oiselle.
    Comment va mon copain Patrick ? Lol

  7. Dearest Noushka,
    Oh my, not easy to be on the water's edge like that with grasses in your way! But you at least were able to show us some interesting actions of those Snipes!
    Hugs and happy weekend to you,

  8. These are wonderful images, Noushka. Shorebirds are a source of endless fascination and for many they present an identification conundrum. Not so with snipe, however. It is truly a distinctive bird.

  9. Nathalie a fait une série sur elle aujourd'hui ...
    toujours super intéressant de la voir de près
    merci et bon week end

  10. I love to watch shorebirds, Noushka! It's fascinating to see one pull its prey out of the mud! Have a happy weekend!

  11. hello,
    the Bekassine is the bird of the year here chosen by the Wildlife Protection Society in Germany
    greetings Frank

  12. Extra ! Je suis toujours admiratif devant leur plumage, a elle et aux autres ! Et le ver élastique est bien vu aussi ! Cdlt, M.

  13. A lovely light over these beautiful and friendly birds.
    And great shots too!


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