
19 janv. 2015

3 Buses variables nordiques

 Buteo buteo
Accipitriformes - Accipitridae

Ces visiteurs du nord viennent hiverner dans nos régions du sud, j'en ai déjà parlé abondamment dans des articles les saisons passées ICI.

"White" Common buzzards from the north.
These are usual winter visitors and I have already mentionend them at lenght in previous posts last year HERE.

La plus blanche des 3 a un œil crevé hélas, c'est probablement le résultat d'une bagarre plus sérieuse que l'échauffourée publiée récemment ICI :

This individual has a milky eye, I can only guess it has lost it after a fight...

Elle se débrouille très bien avec l’œil restant:

It manages quite well though with one eye left:

La N° 2 est revenue cette année, son plumage est très reconnaissable:

N°2 is obviously becoming a regular, its plumage is quite recognizable: 

 Cette 3ème est nouvelle dans le secteur, c'est la seule photo que j'ai pu faire, elle ne s'est hélas pas posée:

This third one is new comer, it is the only pic I managed, unfortunately it never perched:

8 commentaires:

  1. Dearest Noushka,
    Well sad to see the one-eyed White Common Buzzard from the north but yes, we can live with one eye. My left eye would be called legally blind as my Mom found me so pitiful with an eye taped off as an infant in the play pen. They told her to do so in order to train the weaker eye. But she took it off... When I later went with Pieter to one of the leading eye surgeons in the world, I learned that only till the age of 7, the brain can get stimulated to use certain body parts and after that it's like frozen in time. Scary to think if ever something would happen to my one good eye!
    Sending you hugs and thank you for these incredible photos with always interesting stories, like you talk about your pets!

  2. Hi Noushka.

    Beautiful, beautiful beautiful.
    What a very beautiful bird and so super in the picture.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  3. Hello Noushka, your Common Buzzard is a handsome bird. Awesome series of photos.. Have a happy day!

  4. Your wonderful images really show how handsome these birds are, Noushka - even the one with the damaged eye looks impressive and powerful.

    I hope that you have a wonderful birthday - - - - - - Richard

  5. If that bird truly does have an inoperative eye (and it certainly appears that way) it's amazing that it can still hunt successfully. Birds of prey are noted for their very keen eyesight, the presence of both a fovea centralis and a lateral fovea, each providing enhanced cone receptors to provide visual acuity up to eight times that of humans. Binocular vision is also a very significant factor in hunting success. A one-eyed hawk, it seems to me, would be doomed to failure, so I am wondering if the bird has some kind of temporary disease of recent origin.

  6. Quelle envergure magnifique!
    C'est extraordinaire de reconnaitre tes visiteurs d'une année sur l'autre : ))

  7. Amazing that that Buzzerd with the blind eye can still get around and find enough food and not bumb into things. It is also nice that Buzzerds can have such different plumage. Good for recognizing. Great captures!!!

  8. N'as-tu jamais songé à leur donner un petit nom ? Pourtant je déteste les docs animaliers où les animaux sont affublés d'un nom, genre "Mara la lionne va boire au marigot"... ! Si ça se trouve elle s'appelle Lucienne, en plus ! Mais là ce serait à des fins d'identification, c'est différent ! Cdlt, M.


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