
21 févr. 2016

Ecureuil roux

Sciurus vulgaris
Mammifera - Sciuridae

 Nikon 80/400 monté sur crosse Bushawk

Les écureuils sont faciles à observer dans certains jardins mais chez moi, ils ne viennent jamais à ma mangeoire bien que j'en aperçoive de temps à autre. J'ai pourtant planté des noisetiers pour eux mais bien qu'ils me les chapardent, ils préfèrent se cantonner aux grands platanes près de chez mon voisin! Mercredi dernier, au cours de ma virée à Tarbes au jardin Masset où j'ai photographié les Mésanges à longue queue, j'ai pu en voir 2 qui sont sortis vers l'heure du déjeuner, après une grasse matinée au chaud; il faut dire qu'à mon arrivée vers 8h30, il faisait frisquet!
Ils sont allés directement à leurs réserves de noisettes au pied d'un gros arbre, les préférant de loin aux cacahuètes que je tentais de leur offrir!

Red squirrels don't come to my garden often and never to my feeder. so I have to go places to find them! They were one of my objectives as I went to Tarbes where I photographed the Long-tailed tits that same day. As I arrived around 8h30 the temperature was quite low and they were still fast asleep. They came out at noon though and darted to their hazelnut hides.

Tout de même, voilà une cacahuète qui a eu du succès!

Finally, a peanut is in favor!!

22 commentaires:

  1. I love squirrels, so thank you for the beautiful pictures. Regards.

  2. Fabulous photos. I have only seen one in our garden once. Not really sorry as the bird food would go even faster than it does!! Hope you had a good weekend. Hugs Diane.

  3. I have quite a few pictures of squirrels myselfm mainly, black squirrels, but they are not as fabulous as these ones!!
    : )

  4. Lovely images. Squirrels are very cute.

  5. Great photos!

    Our red squirrels have those hairy ears only in their grey winter suit.
    Do your red squirrels stay red all year long?

  6. Lovely images, lovely animals Noushka. I wish we had more Reds over here.

  7. Hello Noushka,
    Ceux d'ici n'ont pas ces touffes de poils aux oreilles, les gris non plus d'ailleurs.

  8. Beautiful. Sadly we don't have any Red Squirrels left in this part of Scotland. The Greys have chased them all away.

  9. Wonderful captures.
    I love those ear hair-tufts.

  10. Dearest Noushka,
    Wow, love that final exit photo where this cute red-haired squirrel puts a spring in its step!
    Also love their ears with long, upright plumes of hair. Looking like a punker... By far more cute than our gray squirrels that DO raid the feeders.
    It is so hard to keep up with them, we feed the birds, on the ground, in feeders that are squirrel proof and for the finch family a separate feeder with thistle seeds. But these pesky critters steal away so much of it!
    Haha, you bribed him with a peanut...

  11. Superbe!!!!! J adore ce petit lutin

  12. ah mais tu m'as piqué mon écureuil !! :-)
    Les miens viennent aux mangeoires Hélas je dois dire, ils squattent et bouffent tout , et ensuite plus rien pour les oiseaux, alors je chronomètre maintenant, je leur laisse 15mn et ensuite zou les petits écureuils , place aux oiseaux qui atttendent sagement ..
    Merveilleuses photos, son poil est si luisant au soleil !!!
    bon lundi

  13. Hello Noushka, again a most wonderful series of the Red Squirrel. Great to see them surch for food and preferring that peanut.
    Hope you are OK.

  14. Hi Noushka.

    Oh, Nouchka what beautiful and fun to watch.
    Beautiful pictures.

    Groettie frome Patricia.

  15. Coucou Nouskinette,
    Arghhhhh je craque, je fonds, je me liquéfie !
    Qu'est ce qu'il est beau et comme toujours, tes photos sont superbes.
    Je me refais la série tiens ! Hop, cadeau du jour !
    Gros bisous et bonne journée.

  16. Truly an adorable little creature. I am sure that it amused you greatly with its antics. Big hugs from Miriam and me.

  17. Much as I like Grey Squirrels, there's no getting away from it that Red Squirrels are so much more attractive in appearance and character. Your wonderful images, Noushka, are making me 'homesick' for Scotland, where I see them most.

    I wish you all the best - - - - Richard

  18. Fabulous images of a Red Squirrel Noushka. I would love to see one.

  19. Hello Noushka!:) I started smiling after the first few images, and then I started to laugh out loud at this beautiful little squirrels antics, as you caught him in such cute poses.:) Sorry I have missed some of your posts,..real life takes precedence, and it's so difficult catching up after haveng a few days off blogging. Stay well Noushka. Warm Regards!:)

  20. Dear Noushka,
    lovely images of this very cute animal.
    Best regards, Corrie

  21. Quel panache, disait Nougaro, un voisin à toi... La grâce pour le petit animal, l'état de grâce pour toi qui l'immortalise... J'en vois parfois à la maison, mais restent aux limites du parc, très discrets et peu familiers ! Biiiiz M.


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