
5 avr. 2016

A poil, cette fois... les écureuils!

 Sciurus vulgaris
Mammifera - Sciuridae

 Photos faites en février alors qu'ils sont encore en poil d'hiver. L'été en pelage estival, ils ressemblent plus à des rats et la plupart d'entre eux n'ont plus ces jolies touffes bien fournies aux oreilles.

Red squirrels
I took these pics in February as they were still in their winter suits! Indeed, in summer they look more like rats with much less hair and reduced ear tufts.

Quelle frimousse coquine!

 Cute and somewhat mischievous face...

Si les photos précédentes ont été prises à Tarbes dans le grand jardin urbain de Massey (12 hectares quand même!), cette photo a été prise au bord de la route tout à fait par hasard. Nous avons eu le temps de faire demi-tour puis revenir sur nos pas (ou plutôt nos roues!) tout doucement, portes ouvertes; il est resté encore une bonne quarantaine de secondes, totalement absorbé par sa demi-noix!

If the previous pics were taken in the urban 12 Ha garden of Tarbes in the south of France, I took this shot from the car. This fellow was so well positioned and so absorbed by his half walnut that we had the time to reverse and come back slowly with the doors opened. He remained there for about 40 minutes before shooting off!

31 commentaires:

  1. Une violette en février ! Douce France !

  2. Hello Noushka, your squirrel shots are beautiful. It is a pretty color and I love the ear tufts. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  3. I think he was posing for you.
    Great series, especially that last one.
    We don't have red squirrels here (alas.)
    I love their ear tufts.

  4. Bonito y limpio pelaje el de la ardilla. Suelo verlas a menudo en el otoño cuando salgo al campo a buscar setas.
    Un abrazo,

  5. Fabulous photos. I have only ever seen one here and as much as I love them, I am not sorry they are not pinching the bird food!! Will reply to email tomorrow running late today! Keep well Diane. Warm hugs.

  6. Such a gorgeous little creature. I'll trade you a few of our squirrels and give you two for one!

  7. L'œil vif et le poil luisant,ils nous ravissent : ))
    Dans mon jardin je les trouve moins colorés ces temps ci,et ils narguent mes chats qui les voient bien avant moi….

  8. Géniale celle avec la violette. Il y a un qui plante des noix dans mes bacs à légumes au jardin, mais je ne l'ai jamais vu. Simplement, tous les ans j'ai de jeunes noyers qui poussent :-).

  9. Coucou oiselle
    Ah oui alors, quelle frimousse coquine ! C'est un pur bonheur de voir ta série. Je regrette le temps où on les avait à nos pieds en région parisienne, mais c'est bien la seule chose que je regrette.
    La photo 7 est fabuleuse.
    J'ai eu ton mail, ma oiselle chérie, c'est un nouveau début qui va être douloureux mais nécessaire à ta reconstruction. Je suis heureuse et triste à la fois.
    Grosses bises et gros câlin.

  10. What a beautiful creature. Sadly we don't have many, if any at all, here in south east Scotland. Your pictures show him at his best.

  11. Fantastic captures of the squirrel Noushka. Such a Delight to watch them.

  12. Coucou Magicienne,
    J'adore, ce n'est pas compliqué, tout simplement j'adore !!!!!!!
    Et puis ces animaux sont tellement craquants.
    Une fois encore bravo pour toutes ces belles attitudes.
    Gros bisous à toi et belle journée... que je te souhaite le coeur léger autant que pssible.
    Câlins de GampLoo.

  13. Hi Noushka.

    Lovely to see this.
    Cute animal the Squirrel.
    Beautiful pictures you have taken.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  14. Coucou Noushka,
    Qui pourrait résister à cette adorable frimousse et à ce magnifique pelage brillant ? Je parierais qu'il s'est fait une longue toilette avant de venir poser pour toi...
    Je pense bien à toi et je t'embrasse très fort.

  15. Pretty squirrel and has beautiful pictures. Regards.

  16. Nouchka what is the super squirrel on, how do you get them so far that they are a little sit still?

  17. Casualmente, esta tarde he visto, por primera vez, a este animalillo tan simpático y bonito en un parque de la ciudad de Valladolid. Preciosas fotos.
    Un abrazo

  18. Dear Noushka,
    "cute and somewhat mischievous" - I think that's a perfect description for red squirrels.
    Marvellous that you could take these pictures. A joy to look at them.
    Best regards, Corrie

  19. Hi Noushka,
    Squirrels are cute. It is always a pleasure to observe them when they are busy.
    Greetings, Kees

  20. vraiment craquant le petit rouquin . Bravo pour tes images !

  21. ah mais c'est mon copain le rouquin !
    j'adore les observer.
    Encore une belle série prise sous le soleil ce qui ne gâte rien
    ( je lis qu'il va y avoir du changement oupssss )

  22. Dearest Noushka,
    What a lovely, lovely post about those cute and beautiful Red squirrels with indeed ear tufts that stand out. Our gray squirrels here are by far not that cute. Love the way you write about 'we' as it was a team work and for sure many fond memories. This way, Patrick lives on with you; always in your memories and thoughts.
    Funny that just yesterday I finished scanning (now one third of all my albums done!) my pet squirrel that I rescued from the neighbor's cat. I was cleaning windows and heard something peeping and it couldn't be young birds in November so I went with my chamois in hand to the garage of the neighbor's where the noise came from. The cat had a young squirrel and I sent the cat off and rescued with my chamois the tiny critter. Got powder for kittens to clean if from its flees and found some hamster food and shavings etc and put him up. When Pieter came home shortly before midnight he thought I'd gotten myself a hamster... It was friendly with my miniature Dachshund and with a cat leash on it did do doggy-back riding on top of Mauzie, that's how we walked to the road when Pieter was coming home...
    Always fun to relive such memories. Eekie did not last that long, only a couple of months... but he was cute!
    Sending you hugs and blessings,

  23. Hi Noushka, super images of a mischievous little character, the ear tufts are wonderful, wish we still had red squirrels in numbers in England. Regards John

  24. Hi Noushka, super images of a mischievous little character, the ear tufts are wonderful, wish we still had red squirrels in numbers in England. Regards John

  25. They can be very noisy along my jogging track.

  26. Que ejemplar mas bonito.. Las nuestras tienen menos pelo en las orejas.. Te han quedado de lujo las fotos.. Enhorabuena.. :-)))

  27. Stunning images Noushka.
    They are on the increase here in certain locations with a lot of management.

  28. Espiègles et coquins ! Mignon dans son lierre, houx, et petite violette. ^^

  29. These are wonderful photos, Noushka! I have spent hours and hours chasing squirrels around trying to get a shot. I know how hard they are to capture! Loved that third big shot down of the leaping squirrel! And the 7th ~ you can feel the tension in its body. Wow!


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