
1 mai 2016

Du rififi chez les Oies cendrées 01

Anser anser
Anseriformes - Anatidae

J'ai le neurone embrouillé... cet article aurait dû paraitre avant le précédent, mais avec mon déménagement en tête, je sais que vous me pardonnerez, les amis ;-)
 Ce jour-là, le 15 avril, au Domaine des Oiseaux à Mazères, les oies étaient très excitées. 
Une paire arrive et se pose au loin près d'une autre couple.

Greylag goose
This post should have been published before the previous one but my neurone is backfiring with the removal and all the stuff I have to face. I know you will forgive me ;-)
On the 15th of april at the bird sanctuary in Mazères, the birds were quite excited.
A pair makes a landing joining another couple.

Nikon D7200 + 500 mm  f/4

Les oiseaux se rapprochent de la cabane affût et commence alors un début de parade qui fait monter la tension:

The birds come closer to the hide and a beginning of parade heats up the scene:


A côté, une troisième paire se compte fleurette:

Close by a third pair flirts:


Peu à peu les mâles commencent à se cherche, se rapprochent et....

Little by little, the males start to measure up, to get closer and...


Eh bien la suite.... vous la connaissez! LOL!
Heureusement, j'ai quand même encore des surprises pour me faire pardonner plus sûrement :)

As for the rest of the story.... you already know it! LOL!
Fortunately, I still have more surprises to make up for the inconvenience :)

16 commentaires:

  1. Coucou magicienne,
    Tes photos sont superbes et ces oiseaux le sont elles aussi, alors c'est simplement un petit instant de laisir que je viens de passer par ici.
    T'en fais pas, mes délires sont à la hauteur des tiens hihihi
    Gros bisous de nous quatre (si si, je le leur ai appris).
    Je te souhaite des tas de petits et gros bonheurs sur les nouvelles pages du livre de ta vie pour accompagner ce 1er mai.

  2. Coucou oiselle
    Et ben ça tombe bien, n'ayant pas vu l'article d'après, j'aurai tout dans l'ordre :))
    Elles sont très belles ces oies. On en voit peu finalement au Teich, deux trois qui traînent c'est tout.
    Je vais aller voir la suite !
    Arrête de faire de la plongée, enfin surtout avec ton portable lol.
    Gros câlins ma oiselle. Oui il fait beau cette semaine mais on est sur la toiture du carport ..... que c'est long.

  3. Can you be forgiven? I will have to think about it very seriously. Perhaps not - well at least not electronically. if you come to visit and thrill us with the pleasure of your company, eat with us, walk with us, watch birds with us, photograph chipmunks with us, laugh with us and make us happy - then you will be forgiven!!! Much love from David and Miriam.

  4. Hello, these are wonderful shots of the cute Greylag Goose. You already know they are one of my favorites, I enjoy seeing more of your photos. Awesome post and images. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!

  5. Dearest Noushka,
    Oh my, you do have way too much on your plate and especially on your mind... Don't ever worry about others or neglecting things. THINK about yourself and stay healthy.
    LOVE these intimate photos of birds that are preparing for love and for multiplying as nature is planning for them to do...
    Sending you hugs and know that I've managed the mega task; only a few more to round it up but 36 albums I've mastered. Pieter is very proud of it and enjoys seeing it this organized. And I mainly hurried for getting it out of the way, due to his age... May God bless him and me with many more years though.
    Sending you hugs and many blessings as you need them!
    Know that Patric will watch over you from heaven; he is there for you forever and who knows what our loved ones might be able of protecting us in ways we cannot yet grasp. Often I have that feeling...

  6. tout est magnifique et j'ai aussi beaucoup aimé le bain de la mésange...
    bon déménagement et un joli mois de mai pour la vie qui continue...bises du sud...

  7. Hi Noushka.

    Beautiful photos of the Geese.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  8. Hello Noushka, they do have a character these geese. Great series this one and the previous one.
    Take care,

  9. Muy buena serie en la que me ha llamado la atención el poderoso vuelo de estos gansos en la primera fotografía en la que semejan dos misiles surcando el cielo.
    Un abrazo,

  10. I do love these photos and I can just imagine the state you are in. It is great though that you are still finding time to take these amazing photos and share them with us all as well. Just take care and one day at a time. Thoughts as always are with you. Big hugs Diane

  11. Je suis passée hier mais n'ai pas eu le temps de commenter!
    Aujourd'hui j'ai toute l'histoire avec toujours d'aussi belles images!
    Pense à toi d'abord! C'est aussi amusant de lire un peu une histoire dans un sens différent ! .Profite surtout des bons moments dans la nature! Ces spectacles nous emmènent loin de nos préoccupations! C'est le but!
    Belle semaine à toi!

  12. Such a splendid pictures. You showed very well their behaviour at this moment of the year. Lovely serie.

  13. It's very easy to discard the Greylag Goose as a common bird with monochrome plumage, but your superb images, Noushka, show what magnificent plumage the bird has, offset beautifully by that fabulous orange bill. In fact the bill of a Greylag goose could be a photogrphic project in its own right! Now there's a challenge for you!!

    I hope your house moving arrangements are going well. My very best wishes - - - Richard

  14. Hi Noushka,
    It is good to notice that what happens in nature can bring you some distractions. It is obviously that you need it. Don't mind too much about what others might think, just publish what you want at the moment that you want.
    I can imagine that you sometimes feel mixed up with all kinds of feelings, especially when you are busy with a removal.
    I wish you all the best.

    Greetings, Kees

  15. hello,
    these photos are so vivid that i feel as though i can hear their conversation!I love that!
    lovely week to you.


THANK YOU for your kind words!
Considering the "Translators" do not translate properly, I WRITE ALSO IN ENGLISH FOR MY FOLLOWERS' COMFORT...

I can't answer each comment but any question, yes.

Je ne peux pas répondre à tous vos commentaires individuellement mais à vos questions oui.