
12 mai 2016

La Pie bavarde et le Milan royal

 Pica pica
Passeriforme - Corvidae

 Elle porte bien son nom et ses "craa-crâââs" m'alertent immédiatement de son approche quand je suis sous ma tente. Cet individu vient seul et son partenaire doit nicher dans les environs du village, au bas de ma colline.

The Magpie of my garden
Its"craa-crâââs" alert me immediately of its approach when I am under my tent. This individual comes alone and its partner must be nesting in the village area, at the foot of the hill.

Le Milan royal - je n'en vois qu'un parmi les Milans noirs en ce moment - fait des piqués audacieux et plonge au ras de l'herbe. Le voir faire est un magnifique spectacle:

Only one Red kite flies among the Black ones these days and watching him soar and dive, flying just above the grass is a real wonder:

15 commentaires:

  1. I managed a quick shot through the window on Monday of a lone Magpie that does not visit here very often. Your photos are beautiful though and show the beautiful blue colour in the wing.
    I do love Red kites, we had many of them in the area where we lived in the UK before moving here.
    I hope that things are moving along well for you, thoughts as always are with you. Warm big hugs Diane

  2. Coucou Magicienne,
    Tout simplement magique et magnifique, que ce soit la Pie ou le Milan, que c'est beau.
    Dommage d'ailleurs que les Pies ne soient pas plus mises en valeur, car ce sont de magnifiques oiseaux.
    Bon, tu leur dis de rester dans les parages hein ;-)
    Gros bisous et à tout bientôt

  3. Oh my, the Red Kite is a fantastic in flight, Noushka, that is beautiful.

  4. Hello Noushka, the Magpie is a handsome bird. I would love to see the Red Kite, awesome raptor. Great series of photos! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and weekend ahead!

  5. Absolutamente maravillosas, la foto del milano planeando sobre la hierba es increíble. Ya publiqué a los lagartos, jejeje, espero que te gusten. Un abrazo desde España.

  6. I've always thought the magpie was such a beautiful design -- that black and white.
    I also love that shot of the kite soaring just inches above the grass.
    Great captures.

  7. Hi Noushka.

    It's enjoy these beautiful birds.
    The Red Kite shaving off along the ground is fantastic.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  8. I really enjoy Magpies. They are such bold, confident birds, sure of themselves. And they are beautiful.

  9. Quel plaisir de les voir d'aussi près aussi bien Des pies , j'en ai chez moi et j'aime bien les entendre , bien que je redoute un peu qu'elles ne commettent quelques forfaits dans les nids qu'abritent mes arbres !Mais je ne suis pas équipée pour bien les voir- alors j'ouvre tout grand mes yeux ici ..
    Bises .

  10. Dearest Noushka,
    The Magpie does have something regal about it. Lovely photos and also the Red Kite photos.
    Sending you hugs and blessings,

  11. Amazing images of the Kite Noushka. I never see them that low.

  12. Dear Noushka,
    amazing, how you show the red kite here. So special, this bird in flight.
    The magpie in flight is also special; you catched the light on its blue wings perfectly!
    Best regards, Corrie

  13. absolutely exquisite photos!
    my heart will never be the same.

    have you ever showed us a photo of your tent? I have never done photography that way and would be interested to see.
    sweet spring to you~

  14. Maravillosas.. La urraca muy bien expuesta.. Esos contrastes de color son bien complicados.. Te felicito..

  15. Hello Nouska, these pictures of the red kite are amazing; so sharp. The wings are beautiful te see.
    What a chance to take these pictures; I would like to stay at your side. Realy marvelous.
    Best regards


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