
23 août 2016

Côté rapaces

 Plus d'espèces vues que d'occasions de les photographier; 
cependant, l'Aigle botté est une première pour moi:

Not many occasions to 'shoot' birds of prey but I saw a few species, 
although this Booted eagle is a first for me:

Hieraaetus pennatus

Nikon D7200 + 200/500 mm

L'Autour des palombes à son envol d'une branche, hélas très loin:

The Northern goshawk as it takes off from a low branch, very far unfortunately:

Accipiter gentilis

Le Busard des roseaux passe devant moi au-dessus d'une roselière:

A Western marsh harrier flies over my head and reed beds:

Circus aeruginosus

La Chevêche d'Athena qui a pris ses quartiers depuis plusieurs années devant l'hôtel où je vais toujours:

 The Little owl that has established its quarters near the hotel where I always stay... A wink to my friends Richard and John!!!


J'ai tenté l'affût à 8/9 mètres d'elle mais comme il m'était impossible de me cacher malgré mon filet beige, elle m'a repérée depuis la grosse branche de son arbre et a attendu sagement (grrrrr!!!) que je m'en aille pour revenir sur sa butte de terre en bordure d'un petit champs:

 I tried to hide under a beige net the color of the spanish soil, but it had spotted me and waited until I finally walked away to come back to its hunting spot, on a dirt mound:

15 commentaires:

  1. I was really enjoying your wonderful images of those fabulous birds of prey, Noushka, and then you hit me square between the eyes with Little Owls!!!! FABULOUS!!!!!!!!! Thank you for making my day.

    Big hugs - - - Richard

  2. What a collection some birds of prey, beautiful images. I love the Little Owl and the Marsh Harrier, fabulous.

  3. Excelentes todas, pero me gusta especialmente ese mochuelo que te mira con cara de asombro.
    Un abrazo,

  4. I loved the little owl, not to mention your beautiful raptors, Noushka! I've been chasing after the raucous Swanson's hawks that have moved into our neighborhood in the past week. There are a number of them, and I've always got my camera close by, so I can try to get a shot. I plan to do a little blog post on them soon. I'm up to my eyeballs working on a Democratic Event that several of us are hosting this Saturday. Even though Colorado is swinging toward Hillary and away from Trump, we can't take anything for granted. Have a great day!

  5. Hi Noushka, Wow, I can see what you refer to in your comment on my blog, all those wonderful birds of prey and a LITTLE OWL !!! Wonderful, you must join Richards Little Owl club, David and Miriam are members. Love the Marsh Harrier image, we have at least three at Rutland at the moment, one being a juvenile still with mum. By the way I winked back. Have great rest of the week. Regards John

  6. Dearest Noushka,
    You had a very interesting trip into Spain and managed to come home with some fabulous photos.
    The Booted eagle is very special and also the Marsh Harrier and ending with the cute little owl.
    Hugs and enjoy the remainder of summer.

  7. Bonjour Noushka,
    Je suis toujours ravie de parcourir tes pages avec à la fois de superbes images et de nouvelles découvertes comme l'Aigle botté et l'Autour des palombes!
    Comme tous tes visiteurs je craque pour la petite chevêche. Quelle bouille. Elle est magnifique et i faut bien regarder pour les voir totalement fondues dans le décor.
    Belle fin de semaine et bonne récupération!

  8. Coucou Noushka,
    Très très beau l'Aigle botté et majestueux en vol le Busard et un gros coup de coeur pour la Chevêche, quelle bouille de coquine, j'adore.
    Une fois de plus un régal pour les yeux, merci de ces beaux partages.
    Bizz et belle journée

  9. Beautiful shots of the birds of prey, and the Little Owl WOW. I hear them around here quite often but I rarely seen them and certainly have never managed to take any photos of them. Fabulous shots as always. Warm hugs Diane

  10. Coucou oiselle,
    L'aigle botte est superbe, bravo pour le shooting :)
    Tu as de bons spotteurs lol.
    J'ai bien ris encore avec ta chouette, elle a du bien se foutre de toi mdrrrr.... J'aurai voulu assister à ça depuis la fenêtre de l’hôtel lol
    Grosses bises oiselle.

  11. Fantastic captures Noushka, Ofcourse the LO is most wonderful but the birds op pray are in this blog my favorites. Some magnificcent birds and the captures you took of them are stunning.

  12. The flight shots are stunning - so precise with great feather detail. And a Little Owl will capture the hearts of everyone every time! You are amazing!

  13. So many wonderful photographs. I kept thinking, oh this is the one I want to mention, by the end of your post They were all wonderful. Wow, great sightings.

    Thank you for your lovely messages. So good to hear from you. Glad that your travels keep you busy in a good way.

  14. You were at least able to make pictures of these birds of prey, even flying. Usually it is pretty difficult to approach them. I like the behaviour of the cautious owl.
    Greetings, Kees


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