
20 juin 2017

La Foulque macroule et ses grenats - 03

Podiceps cristatus & Fulica atra

 05 juin 2017
Nikon D500 + 800 mm

Great crested grebe & Eurasian coot

Maman est entourées par de vrais grenats, 7 au total mais un des petits fait bande à part.

I was lucky so see this family come in front of me and at the perfect distance to observe mom feed her little garnets, 7 in all but one is a loner...

 Les larves de libellules sont les proies favorites pour nourrir les petits bouchons!
Dragonfly larvae are having a hard time!!


The coots returns to rest on the nest and passes by the grebes... The sitting bird is on alert but won't start a fight with whole family:

La famille foulque retourne se reposer au nid et passe près du grebe qui couve mais celui-ci les laissera tranquilles:

The  loner reached the nest independently but his weakness spelled bad luck for him:Le petit solitaire est revenu au nid le premier mais sa faiblesse l'a déjà condamné:

On arrival, one of the parents attempted to kill it but, unfortunately for that chick, does not pursue through leaving it to die slower:
En arrivant un parent tente de le tuer mais hélas pour le petit ne l'achève pas immédiatement, le laissant mourir progressivement:

He seems OK, but is now living on borrowed time:
Pour l'heure il est encore OK mais il est en survie:

I semble supplier son parent pour sa clémence:
And seem to beg for clemency...

Les autres gimpent tant bien que mal pour se fourrer dans les plumes chaudes de l'adulte:

The other chicks climbed as they can onto the nest and crawl under the adult's feathers:

Je suis retournée le 8 juin et il restait 5 petits,
tout de même une belle nichée!

I went back on the 8th of June and 5 chicks were left
which is still a very good success!

No action with the grebes:
Calme plat chez leurs voisins:

Au loin à 100 m de moi, la seconde paire de grèbes très farouches,
a deux petits déjà assez grands:

At 100 m from me, i can see the second pair of grebes quite unapproachable
with 2 chicks:

* * * * * * * * * * *

Absente jusqu'à la fin du mois je pré-publie mes articles.
Bonne fin juin à tous et à toutes :))

Away till the end of June, I pre-bublished a few posts.
Keep well and enjoy your outings :))

12 commentaires:

  1. ¡Todo un placer, como siempre, hacerte una visita y disfrutar y disfrutar...! Un abrazo desde Asturias ¡artista¡

  2. What an amazing series of photos, I really love these especially the three in a row LOL. I hope the remaing 5 make it. Take care, very hot here 36C! Hugs Diane

  3. la vie de famille n'est pas toujours idyllique chez les zozios !

  4. Hoi Noushka.

    Enjoy the little ones
    Luckily, the Grebe left them alone.
    Beautiful pictures Noushka.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  5. Etonnant des petits en couleurs pour finir en noir et blancs. De très belles observations, mais dur pour le petit.
    Bises Noushka

  6. Rude la vie de bébé foulques ! La loi de la nature est impitoyable seul les forts survivent

  7. Hi Noushka, super images of the Coot and its young, always make me smile whilst swimming, lots of effort and very little forward motion. Nature can be so cruel with the little one. Hope you have a good break, all the best, John

  8. Ruthless species the Coot Noushka.
    Survival of the fittest is one thing, but killing off your young because they do look so good, thats something else.

  9. Me encantan las cabecitas de las crias... Muy buenas capturas, amiga

  10. Hi Noushka,
    It's always fun to observe the adventures of the youngsters, discovering the world. I enjoyed the pictures and the story.
    Greetings, Kees

  11. What a series, Noushka! The coot chicks are the cutest and ugliest little ones I've seen. They are wildly colored and disheveled next to their somber black, grey, and white mother. It was difficult to see the parents attacking the weak chick. But's that's life; I have observed this a few times in my area. It is heart-rending to observe, yet I'm sure it is based in survival of the most chicks. Why waste time, energy, and resources on a chick that is unlikely to survive? This is one of my most favorite posts of yours, both for the wonderful captures of coot chicks and for the harsh, but real, lesson it teaches.


THANK YOU for your kind words!
Considering the "Translators" do not translate properly, I WRITE ALSO IN ENGLISH FOR MY FOLLOWERS' COMFORT...

I can't answer each comment but any question, yes.

Je ne peux pas répondre à tous vos commentaires individuellement mais à vos questions oui.