
22 août 2017

Crave à bec rouge

 Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax

De tous mes affûts au cours de ces dernières années en Catalogne je n'avais jamais eu l'opportunité de voir et encore moins de photographier cette espèce grégaire et farouche de corvidés. Leur long bec incurvé et leurs pattes sont rouges; ils se déplacent en groupes avec un vol ondulant et acrobatique et leur cris retentissants peuvent s'entendre de loin ce qui laisse le temps de se préparer pour leur arrivée qui ne passe vraiment pas inaperçue!
La lumière latérale du soir en plus d'un oiseau si noir donne de mauvaises images, désolée!...

Nikon D500 + 800 mm

Red-billed chough
Of all my photographic sessions in Spain, I never had the opportunity to see this cautious and gregarious corvid species. Both their long and curved beak and their legs are red; they fly in a light and bouncy way and move in groups with a noisy and raucous screech. The poor quality of those pics comes from both the blackness of the birds and mainly from the evening's lateral light, sorry!

ils se regroupent le soir pour venir boire prudemment avant de retourner à leurs dortoirs; ce soir-là j'ai pu en compter au moins une vingtaine.

They regroup noisily in the evening around the water dams before returning to their roosting places; that evening I counted over 20 individuals.

Leur long bec les obligent à boire la tête inclinée:
Because their beak is long, they have to incline their heads to drink:

* * * * * * * * * * *

Absente quelques jours, toutes mes amitiés et merci pour vos visites :)

Away a few days, kind regards to you all and many thanks for your comments :)

15 commentaires:

  1. Oh wow, I love those colorful beaks and legs. Beautiful birds and photos. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  2. I cannot see anything wrong with these photos they look pretty good to me. Interesting bird and funny the way it has to drink.
    Hope that all is well, take care, hugs Diane

  3. Great series on Red-billed Chough, Noushka. I have seen this species in many locations and it is always an appealing species to encounter. I have also seen Yellow-billed (Alpine) Chough in the Pyrenees and Ethiopia. Enjoy your time away. Un fuerte abrazo, David.

  4. Hi Noushka, super set of images of this bird, nothing wrong with the quality of the images. Wonderful colouration in the beak and legs. Have a good break, all the best. John

  5. Hoi Noushka.

    The colors of his legs and beak are beautiful.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  6. Wonderful photography, Noushka, of one of my favourite, but least photographed corvids. I've never attempted to get close to these birds, but am wondering if they can be as confiding as the Mountain Choughs, which I once had coming to my mountain-top table in Austria to steal food!

    With my very best wishes - - - Richard

  7. De belles images et attitudes qui me permettent de découvrir cet oiseau que je ne connais pas.
    Bises Noushka

  8. Quand tu dis rouge, en effet ça ne fait pas semblant ! un rouge écarlate qui se voit de loin !
    superbe prise alors si tu n'avais jamais eu l'occasion d'en prendre !

  9. These red-billed choughs are gorgeous, Noushka! The crow family of birds is always fun to watch. I love their raucous antics! The choughs' striking black bodies and red beaks and legs immediately reminded me of a striking Princess Di in a gorgeous gown with one red glove. Have a great day, my friend!

  10. MAGNIFIQUE !!!!!! j'en ai aussi chez moi mais jamais vu avec une tel proxi bravo

  11. Espectaculares trabajos, amiga... Siempre me sorprende la definicion que consigues a esas distancias
    Un abrazo

  12. Hola guapa. Te han quedado fantásticas las Chovas Piquirrojas.. Enhorabuena..

  13. If it were not for the red colour of the beak and feet, it could pass off as a crow.

  14. Hi Noushka,
    Once again a species I have never seen or heard of. The quality of the pictures is not bad at all, I would have loved to make those pics.
    Greetings, Kees

  15. Les corbeaux mettent du rouge à lèvres sur les pattes maintenant quand ils partent danser le flamenco ?!


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