
13 avr. 2018

Faucon ardoisé et Faucon crécerellette

Falco ardosiaceus

Dans l'ouest africain, sans s'engager dans une longue migration, le Faucon ardoisé s'installe plus au nord de sa zone à la saison des pluies et retourne vers le sud pendant les périodes plus sèches. Assez petit, il est d'apparence robuste avec une tête assez plate et des ailes plutôt courtes qui ne dépassent pas le bout de la queue au repos. S'il se nourrit essentiellement des petits animaux comme lézards, batraciens et petits insectes, etc..., il apprécie égalenent les noix des palmiers à huile.

Grey kestrel 
It is a fairly small, stocky kestrel with a large flat-topped head and fairly short wings that don't reach past the tip of the tail when at rest.
  In West Africa there is some movement northward in the wet season and southward in the dry season. It feeds mainly on insects, lizards and small mammals such as bats but will also take birds, amphibians and worms. It will sometimes feed on oil palm nuts, one of the few birds of prey to eat vegetable matter.

Falco naumanni
Faucon crécerellette - Lesser Kestrel

Celui-ci se repose, les pattes encore ensanglantées après avoir mangé une proie, un petit piaf dont on voit les plumes sur la gauche:

This one was resting with its claws still bloody, after having eaten a small bird, the feathers of which can be seen on the left:

11 commentaires:

  1. Coucou Noushka,
    Et bien voilà deux très très jolies rencontres et pas fréquentes.
    J'aime autant les photos de proximité que dans l'environnement.
    Bises et bonne journée

  2. Thank you, Noushka, for introducing us to these two beautiful Kestrels. I was totally unaware of the Grey Kestrel. Also, I had no idea that the Lesser Kestrel congregated in flocks like that. Thank you so much, too, for sharing these wonderful images. With my very best wishes. Take good care - - - Richard

    1. Thanks to you Richard :)
      I believe, and this will partly answer Wally's question, that the Lesser kestrels congregate that way in Kenya and Tanzania before migrating northwards. But I am not sure whether this population remains on the African continent or flies all the way up to Europe. Some birds winter in Spain.
      All the best and enjoy your weekend :)

  3. The black feathers on the tail of the small kestrel look beautiful during the flight. :)

  4. Fantastic!

    Superb photographs, all! The Grey Kestrel is a new species for me. Your detailed photographs are a joy to see, Noushka.

    This group of Lesser Kestrels, are they migrants or do they gather together like this normally?

    We hope you are well and wish you a happy weekend!

    1. Hi Wally,
      Thanks for your kind comment and your interest in those 2 birds.
      Here is a link to the info:

      I am sorry I can't go into the subject more in depth but I am very busy and preparing for my next trip to South Africa in a few days ;-)
      Keep well and enjoy your spring outings!

  5. Hello Noushka, I was fascinated by the flock of kestrals, but I do not need to ank any questions as you have answered them all above :-) Fabulous photos and I was also intruiged that the Grey Kestral will eat oil palm nuts.
    The weather is on the mend and I actually saw three lizards out today, two of them thinking seriously about a population increase :-)
    Hope that you have a good weekend, hugs Diane

  6. L'ardoisé est superbe, je l'adore mais oh la vache !!!! les crécerelles ! Jamais vu ça, quel magnifique spectacle!
    TOPPPP !!!!
    BIZZZZZZZ chez toi oiselle

  7. je n'ai jamais croisé ni l'un ni l'autre , alors tu penses bien que je regarde de près ,surtout le crécerellette pas facile à identifier il me semble .
    merci pour ces superbes photos
    bon week end

  8. Hi Noushka,
    What a pair of beautiful Kestrel, I have never heard of either previously but the Grey is certainly very special.
    Never heard of Kestrels in a flock but your explanation regarding migration explains.
    Have a wonderful trip.
    All the best, John


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