
9 avr. 2018

Les Agames des colons, ou Margouillat

 Agama agama

Très répandu en Afrique et introduit à Madagascar, ce reptile de l'Ordre des iguanes est insectivore mais ne néglige pas de petits mammifères et autres reptiles et se plait dans les zones arides;  sa taille varie entre 15 et 30 cm de long, queue comprise, le mâle étant plus grand la femelle.

J'ai ajouté les exif exceptionnellement car je publie aussi dans des groupes de photos animalières sur Face Book et ils sont souvent demandés ;-) 

Common agama but also Rainbow agama, which is really best suited to the male in breeding condition.
Very common throughout Africa, it feed on insects mainly but also on small mammals and reptiles. The male is larger than the female, reaching about 30 cm long tail included.

I have exceptionally added the exif data since I publish in animal photography groups in Face Book and they often ask for them.

Femelle adulte:
Adult female:

Mâle en nuptial

Chaud les pa-pattes!!
Burning feet!

Les rivaux..... dé-ga-gez!!!
Rivals.... I'm the boss!!

Autre femelle:
Another female:

Oh nooon! J'ai l'vertige!!!
Oh my, I'm dead scared of heights!

Je ne regarde plus, trop la trouille!
I'm not looking anymore, too scared!

Tous les deux en pleine mue!
Both are moulting:

17 commentaires:

  1. Great descriptions over photos. The male in colors is definitely nicer than the female. Pictures are beautiful, of course. Greetings.

  2. Sont superbes tous ces agames ! Mais quel dommage cette bande noire en bas, tout ça pour FB .... ppfffff... Sont pas jolis jolis en ce moment, mais ça je le sais depuis toujours, et d'autres aussi.
    L'avant dernier mâle de droite est magnifique !

  3. Magnificas capturas. Me encantan sus bellos colores
    Un abrazo

  4. Ils sont tous plus beaux les uns que les autres, et j'ai adoré la photo "chaud les pa-pattes" !
    La nature nous offre de ces couleurs, c'est magique !
    Bises et bonne journée Nousha

  5. Hi Noushka,
    Those lizards I have seen quite a few times. They are beautiful animals, worth taking pictures of.
    Great series.
    Greetings, Kees

  6. Hi Noushka.

    Beautiful colors has the male.
    Very nice.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  7. Hello Noushka,
    Great pictures.
    Amazing to see how you've photograph these colorful animals. Wonderful.

    Kind regards,

  8. Wow that male is beautiful and I love your comments, excellent. I am sure I have never seen a lizard that is so pretty as that. Most that we had on the farm were just the ordinary sort of lizards, geckos and chameleons, then we also had the Water leguaan as our house was right on the Hunyani river in Rhodesian days. Enjoy your week, warm hugs, Diane

  9. Que de belles couleurs! Ou alors se confondant presque avec la pierre!
    Bonne semaine Noushka!

  10. Preciosas imagines de una especie de lagarto espectacular

  11. I've very much enjoyed the fabulous images, Noushka. I'm rather fond of lizards and these are truly spectacular!

    Thank you also for showing us the exif data. I'm always interested to see such information - I've still got a lot to learn, and little time to learn it in! ;-}

    With my very best wishes. Take good care - - - Richard

  12. Je ne connais que l'Agame barbu, mais pas celui-ci. Il est magnifique avec toutes ces couleurs. De très jolies photos là encore.
    Bises Noushka.

  13. Coucou Noushka, un animal qui me fascine. La femelle est jolie aussi mais bien sur plus terne.
    Belle journée avec des bisous tout plein

  14. en nuptial c'est vraiment le roi des iguanes !! qu'est ce qu'il est beau
    Merci pour les commentaires qui m'ont bien fait marrer

  15. Dearest Noushka,
    What a spectacular color, far more exotic than the ones we know from e.g. Indonesia!
    Love your text about being scared of heights. And who knows?!
    Haha, got a verdict for being a 'sitting duck' for about 2 more months.
    On March 27 I flew out of the bed, too fast I guess (as I have been always a FAST mover) when having killer cramps in lower right leg. Thinking that standing on my legs would stop it. My leg gave way and I fell on the floor mat on the solid oak floor. Couldn't get up and was in excruciating pain. Oh my, Pieter had to get me and I requested the Mojility we keep always in the freezer drawer for emergencies. This was one! Placed it on the bump on my left hip but that's not where the pain came from. X-ray showed everything normal but the pain stayed and I couldn't walk on it and painful going down on the stairs or up, or getting in and out of the car or bed. So after an MRI and a CT scan it turned out I had hairline cracks in my sacrum and pubic bone on the left. Now this morning I got a very firm NO from the Orthopedic surgeon to my question if I could join my choir on May 19 for the Revue; singing and dancing. Sad, and not allowed to bike either as the risk of falling is too much and the bones would then shift and cause severe damage. So in two months when the pain is still there, I need to go back. Not taking anything due to my CKD stage 3. Will tough it out and if you look at nature, how they have to struggle for life; we all have it EASY!
    Hugs and stay safe.

  16. De 8 à 14 ans j'ai vécu en Côte d'Ivoire dans une réserve forestière près d'Abidjan (dans la forêt du Banco) et les margouillats ont fait partie de mon environnement. Mon frère aîné les tirait à la carabine à plomb ce qui me faisait pleurer ; par contre cela ne me gênait pas de déterrer leur oeufs dans la petite falaise de latérite qui bordait la terrasse qui avait été creusée pour bâtir notre maison. C'est drôle je ne me souviens pas vraiment comment étaient ces lézards


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