
20 août 2018

Les Suricats, sentinelles du désert - 03

Suricata suricatta

Creuser, creuser et encore creuser...
Il m'aura fallu près de deux heures pour avoir enfin l'opportunité de faire les images que je voulais: la capture d'un scorpion dans la gueule d'un Suricat (photos en fin d'article)!

Digging, digging and more digging...
I took me over two hours to finally get the pictures I was after: a
scorpion in a meerkat's mouth (pics at the end of this post)!

Ya d'la puce!!
A bundle of fleas!!

Réaménagement quotidien des terriers:
Daily borrow rearrangements:

Si les Suricats passent beaucoup de temps à jouer et à réaménager leurs terriers, ils en passent la plupart à forager pour trouver les grosses larves de coléoptères et surtout les scorpions:
Ces derniers ne sont pas des insectes mais arachnides à l'instar les araignées; comme ces dernières, ils liquéfient les tissus de leurs proies avec leurs sucs digestifs puis les aspirent sous une forme semi-liquide.
Lorsqu'ils sont à la recherche d'un partenaire, les scorpions émettent une odeur particulière et utilisent les poils sensoriels de leurs pattes. Ces deux facteurs permettent aux Suricats, munis d'une truffe très efficace, de détecter ces proies facilement.

All this digging to find juicy beetle larvae and mostly scorpions:
Scorpions are not insects but arachnids. Like spiders they dissolve the tissues of their prey with digestive juices and aspirate the nutrients in semi-liquid form. When in search of a partner, scorpions emit a particular scent and use the sensory hairs of their legs called pectines. These two factors allow Meerkats to detect their prey easily.

Et finalement...
And finally...

T'as vu ma tête?!!
Funny mucky face!

13 commentaires:

  1. I love these little guys thay are so cute and have so much character. Your photos, as alwasy, are spectacular and so glad you finally managed to get photos of one with a scorpian.
    We are enjoying the weather but I just wish we had a little rain on the garden, it is dryer than dry and I am struggling to keep it watered. The lawn though is just brown.
    Have a good week, gentle hugs Diane

    1. Sorry finger trouble and not re-reading properly, spelling hopefully is understandable even if incorrect!! Diane

  2. Hi Noushka,
    fantastic that in the end you've managed the pictures you were after: eating a scorpion. These are great. But I also love the images before these. Number 2 is amazing also.

    Best regards, Corrie

  3. Wonderful documentation of these amazing little characters! I hadn't realised that scorpions formed a significant part of their diet. I was particularly amused by the image of the group with their tails in the air - priceless!!!

    Have a wonderful week, and take good care - - - Richard

  4. mes animaux de prédilection... (et je suis scorpion...) bises

  5. Fantastiques photos qui ont récompensé ta patience ! Se nourrir de scorpions, pourquoi pas ? Ils sont un mets que je laisse volontiers aux suricates !!!
    Bonne semaine Noushka.

  6. Excelentes imágenes de estas criaturas tan adorables. Que tengas una feliz semana guapa.. :-)))

  7. Magnifique ! Ils sont drôle ces suricates hihihi

  8. HHi Noushka,
    What a wonderful set of images of this delightful little creature.
    They always appear to be so full of mischief, the sentry images are so amusing.
    Hope fully you still have more for us.
    All the best, John

  9. Hi Noushka,
    These are the moments you are waiting for. The group of meerkats we saw didn't stay very long near their burrough. At least it felt like that. They were warming up, digging a little bit and left after a while, searching somewhere else for food. I recognize the typical behaviour, constantly a pleasure to observe. Your series brings back good memories.
    Greetings, Kees

  10. Géniales tes photos, vraiment j'adore ! J'admire une a une et même je retourne après mon commentaire !
    Il faudra que tu nous tuyaute ;-)
    Re grosses bises

  11. Quel reportage.Ils sont connus pour la capture des scorpions mais encore faut-il le voir et ensuite en faire de belles images! Bravo

  12. Dearest Noushka,
    BRAVO and that first photo with all tails up, is perfect too.
    They are such quick rascals and what a reward for finding a scorpion.
    You managed to capture the action very well.


THANK YOU for your kind words!
Considering the "Translators" do not translate properly, I WRITE ALSO IN ENGLISH FOR MY FOLLOWERS' COMFORT...

I can't answer each comment but any question, yes.

Je ne peux pas répondre à tous vos commentaires individuellement mais à vos questions oui.