
22 mars 2019

Les Anatidés dans l'action

S'il y a un spectacle que j'adore observer, c'est la joie et le plaisir des canards, et particulièrement des Sarcelles d'hiver, quand ils se baignent! Il y a 2 challenges photographiques pour moi à ce moment-là: c'est choper les mâles dans leurs mouvements si rapides de parade, quand ils relèvent le cul et ressemblent alors à des jouets d'enfants pour baignoire! Et l'autre, encore plus difficile, est de faire une photo sympa, pile au bon moment quand les canards jouent et bondissent hors de l'eau pour replonger aussitôt!
Et avec un objo de 800 mm ayant un angle de vision très réduit, c'est vraiment à la limite de l'exploit! Si-si... et j'ai enfin réussi!!!

Eurasian Teals and other ducks enjoying bathing
There is one thing I enjoy watching, it's the joy and pleasure ducks show when bathing and that is especially true with teals! There are 2 photographic challenges for me then: to trigger at the exact
moment when males perform these very fast parade movements as they raise their but and look like children’s bathtub toys and  the other challenge, even more difficult, is when they jump in and out of the water even faster. With the reduced visual angle of he 800 mm lens, believe me it is quite a feat!

Anas crecca

Agadou-dou-dou... dans la gadoue!!

Du vent dans les voiles...

Parade nuptiale de face:

et de profile...

Femelles en vol:

Un mâle qui se prend pour un voilier!
A sailer teal!

A saute moutons...

Anas clipeata
Souchets - Shovelers


Anas platyrhynchos
Colvert - Mallard

13 commentaires:

  1. Fabulous action photos, well done. I saw a few ducks this week on the Charente but they were not very active at anything! Hope all is going well for you. Spring has almost arrived here but I am still wearing jerseys! Warm hugs and take care Diane

  2. Hi Noushka.

    Beautiful pictures.
    These two types are so beautiful.

    Greeting from Patricia.

  3. Dearest Noushka,
    Oh, the colors of those teals, especially with their wings spread out!
    Don't you love the soft, sweet and happy faces of the females when in flight?
    Very special species that indeed give us so much joy.
    Thanks for managing to catch the different 'highlights' on camera for us to hold on to the precious moments.

  4. Ils t'ont gâtée ces magnifiques canards !! Ils t'ont fait un magnifique show !
    Bonne soirée.

  5. Hi Noushka,
    Superb set of action images of the ducks.
    I never can resist taking an image of a Teal, they are really such a beautiful duck.
    Likewise the Shoveler, what a difference the sun makes to the birds coloration.
    Also the Mallard, I become boring with this duck as I always feel it is a duck we tend to ignore as just a Mallard but they are so beautiful.
    All the best, John

  6. Muy bonitas Carine. Me encantan las Cercetas.. :_)))

  7. All that water splashing about is getting me quite excited, Carine! I can never resist shots with a good water splash in them. However, I was particularly impressed by the last Teal image and the third Shoveler image too, as I love the light and the wing detail.

    I hope that all is well with you. Take very good care - - - Richard

  8. Hi Noushka,
    Some wonderful action images of these delightful ducks.
    Teal are such a small but colourful duck with the barring and flashes of colour. Also the Shoveler.
    I have been saying how we all tend to cast the Mallard into the "its just a Mallard" but they are such a beautiful duck.
    All the best, John

  9. Wouah wouah wouah !! quelle superbe série ! j'aime beaucoup la sarcelle mâle en mode je me la pète c'est moi le plus beau et le plus fort !
    extra !

  10. Hello Carine, great photos of all the different waterbirds. Spring makes them extra atractif because of all the action and all the beautyful colour of their plumage!
    Regards, Roos

  11. Tes photos sont saisissantes ma Noushka et que c'est beau de voir ces anatidés dans des attitudes différentes. Merci...merci...
    Bonne semaine et des bisous tout plein

  12. Hi Carine,
    Eurasian teals and shovelers we cn see regularly in the Netherlands, especially during winter time. But almost everytime they are very, very shy. So, congratulations with these spectacular images of these birds. Mallards are quite common with us,and mostly not too difficult to photograph.Anyway, clear signs of the approaching spring.
    Greetings, Kees

  13. Hi Carine,
    Eurasian teals and shovelers we cn see regularly in the Netherlands, especially during winter time. But almost everytime they are very, very shy. So, congratulations with these spectacular images of these birds. Mallards are quite common with us,and mostly not too difficult to photograph.Anyway, clear signs of the approaching spring.
    Greetings, Kees


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