
18 oct. 2017

Brame 2017 suite

Red deer or Stag - Ciervo
Cervus elaphus
Barousse, 2017/09/21
Nikon: D500 + 800 mm f5/6E

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Retour dans mon petit coin favori: voir ici et .
Pendant longtemps il ne se passe rien... normal, les bêtes ont tendance à sortir de plus en tard mais je sais que je dois être en place en milieu d’après-midi au plus tard. Les renards par exemple, peuvent sortir à n'importe quel moment surtout que cette année ils sont pléthore... normal c'est une année à mulots!!

Puis un daguet fait son apparition à ma droite dans un champs jouxtant celui où je suis en planque. Il ne viendra pas vers moi, très en alerte il ne broute pas: il sent l'herbe et l'air pour détecter des molécules étrangères au lieu!

Back to my favourite spot: see here and there.
For quite a while nothing happens... normal, animals tend to come out later but I have to be all set by mid-afternoon at the latest. Foxes for example can come out at any time especially this year since they are many... normal, it is one year with many field mice!!
Finally a brocket appears on my right in the field adjacent to the one in which I am in hide. It will not come towards me. On the alert he does not graze, he smells the grass and the air to detect foreign molecules!

Une 4ème tête ou 8 pointes débarque à son tour et monte vers moi; sa  petite ramure est en contradiction avec sa stature.

Next, an 8 pointer arrives, he has small antlers contradictory with its stature and  and is soon on his way.

7 commentaires:

  1. It's great to see you spending so much time with the deer, Noushka. I suspect that you are on a spritual journey, and hope that you are gaining strength through this. Keep safe and be happy. With my very best wishes - - Richard

  2. Love that 8 pointer he is quite beautiful and you seem to be enjoying spending so much time with the deer while you can. Just keep an eye our for the men with guns see the following;

    An Aveyron woman, aged 69, has died after being hit a bullet from a hunter's rifle while she was in her garden.

    The hunter reportedly fired into a thick boxwood hedge that had attracted the interest of two hunting dogs - but the bullet passed through the vegetation and hit the retiree in the garden of her home in the village of Taussac, regional newspaper the Centre Presse Aveyron reports.

    These people are mad what are they even doing hunting so close to houses.

    Please take care, hugs Diane

  3. Hoi Noushka.

    Beautiful pictures of these beautiful deer.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  4. Dearest Noushka,
    Happy for you for having been able to see some of your favorite and majestic Red deer; especially that 8 pointer!
    Stay well and sending you hugs,

  5. Coucou Noushka,
    Jeunes ou moins jeunes, mâle ou femelle, ils sont vraiment magnifiques !
    Que du bonheur n'est-ce pas ;-)
    Bisous et bonne journée

    Ps, ça recommence, trois passage de porte avant de pouvoir valider ;-(

  6. Peu importe la taille de sa ramure, tu as fais là une magnifique rencontre et rien que ça c'est un grand bonheur.
    Bises Noushka


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