
21 déc. 2017

Petits passereaux

Small passerine birds - Pájaritos
Spain, 2017/12
Nikon: D500 + 200/500 mm

Aux points d'eau c'est toujours la loterie...
Les jours se suivent et ne ressemblent pas et c'est toujours un émerveillement de découvrir qui vient quand!

Most of the time at water dams it is a lottery... Each day is different and it is always a wonder to discover who flies in and when!

Fauvette à tête noire
Blackcap - Curruca capirotada
Sylvia atricapilla

Fauvette pitchou: elle était loin mais c'est rare de la voir à découvert ainsi...
Dartford warbler - Curruca rabilarga
Sylvia undata

Linotte mélodieuse, en costume d'hiver

Linnet - Pardillo
Linaria cannabina

Verdier européen

Greenfinch -
Chloris chloris

Tarier pâtre

Stonechat - Tarabilla
 Saxicola rubicola

Les femelles:

Ce petit mâle est resté quelque peu prosté pendant plusieurs secondes devant mon objectif mais tout va bien!

This male remained motionless tucked on the ground but he was A-OK!

15 commentaires:

  1. Perfect beings, I love the Dartford Warbler and the Stonechat, well taken Noushka.

  2. je suis enchanté à chaque billet ... bon noël!

  3. Superbe série de nos amis ailés, il y en a pour tous les gouts. Des photos de très belle qualité, c'est que du plaisir.
    Je te souhaite de très belles fêtes de fin d'année et mes meilleurs voeux pour la nouvelle qui arrive.
    Bises et à l'année prochaine Noushka.

  4. Hello, Noushka, these are lovely birds. Beautiful photos. I love the cute Dartford Warbler. Thanks always for your visits and comments this past year. Have a happy day and week ahead. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  5. Hi Noushka.

    Beautiful pictures of these beautiful birds.
    Merry Christmas wished.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  6. Oui, tous nos petits copains sont là pour finir l'année en beauté !
    Absente 10 jours,

    je te souhaite de bonnes Fêtes de fin d'Année

    A bientot, bisous

  7. Dear Noushka,
    lovely series of these small birds.
    Best wishes for Christmas and the upcoming year,
    best regards, Corrie

  8. Coucou oiselle,
    Fantastique série. La pitchou est vraiment très jolie.
    Belles fêtes de Noël chez toi et grosses bises de nous deux.

  9. Great shots as always, Noushka, but let me tell you, the word pájarito has a whole other connotation in Central and South America! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year à toi de nous. Miriam et David xoxoxo

  10. I just love the expressions on the faces of these little birds, the Dartford Warbler looks so cute and almost wren like. Great selection. Thanks for your comment, take care and although I know, like me, you are not a Christmassy person, I hope you enjoy being with family, Warm hugs Diane

  11. A veritable feast of delightful bird images, Noushka. Stonechat is one of my favourite birds, and they can be quite confiding. However, I live in hope that one day I will see a Dartford Warbler. They are not common in UK. There is a place only about 50km from my home which was right at the northernmost image of their range, but they are/were there in small numbers. The population there is said to have suffered badly, or disappeared after an extensive fire. Lindsay and I intend to have a picnic lunch there on Boxing Day - who knows what we may find!

    Joyeux noël et bonne année - - Richard

  12. Hi Noushka,
    Another set of wonderful images with the highlight to me being the Dartford Warbler.
    Have a wonderful Christmas.
    All the best. John

  13. Lovely set Noushka, love the Dartford Warbler in particular. Another bird on my not seen yet list.

  14. Très Joyeux Noël Noushka. La Pitchou est très belle, affectivement c'est une chance de la voir comme cela à découvert, d'habitude c'est une espèce qui aime se cacher dans les buissons et n'arrête pas de bouger ... Bises.

  15. I love all the sweet little birds, especially the stonechat whose colors are absolutely lovely. I like that they're all rounded little balls of fluff (well except for the linnet), kind of like me! LOL Travel safe, my friend!


THANK YOU for your kind words!
Considering the "Translators" do not translate properly, I WRITE ALSO IN ENGLISH FOR MY FOLLOWERS' COMFORT...

I can't answer each comment but any question, yes.

Je ne peux pas répondre à tous vos commentaires individuellement mais à vos questions oui.