
29 janv. 2018

Pouillots: fitis et véloce

Spain, 2017/09
Nikon: D500 + 200/500 mm

Pouillot fitis
Willow warbler - Mosquitero musical
Phylloscopus trochilus

Pas toujours évident de reconnaitre ces 2 oiseaux l'un de l'autre, en principe le P. véloce a les pieds sombres tandis que le P. fitis les a jaune ou beige clair. Mais ce n'est pas toujours le cas; le véloce se distingue alors par des rémiges plus longues.

These birds are difficult to tell apart, usually the Chiffchaff's feet are darker but sometimes it is not the case, so they can be told from one another by the Chiffchaff's longer primary feathers.

Pouillot véloce
Chiffchaff - Mosquitero común
Phylloscopus collybita

14 commentaires:

  1. Bonjour Noushka,
    Jolies photos pour ces petits oiseaux que l'on a beaucoup de mal à photographier!
    Beaucoup de belles aventures et de superbes rencontres pour ton voyage!
    Bien amicalement, Lucie

  2. ils sont bien élégants et prennent de belles poses !

  3. Coucou Noushka,
    Ce sont des petits passereaux que j'adore observer, ils sont vraiment adorable.
    Jolie série comme toujours.
    Bises et bonne journée

  4. Hi Noushka,
    Thank you for the information ref Willow Warbler / Chiffchaff, I noted an image down as a Chifchaff, but you are telling me it was a Willow Warbler. Thank you for the information.
    Wonderful set of images of both birds.
    All the best, John

  5. Great photos and information but I still do not think I would identify them correctly LOL. Dreaming of being with you in Kenya. Hugs Diane

  6. Des cabotins, tes Pouillots !!! Super !

  7. I'll have to depend on your identification, Noushka! LOL I don't think I've ever seen a willow warbler or chiffchaff, except on your blog. I put them all in my "sweet little birds" category, of which I am very fond. This past week or so hundreds of Canada geese have been hanging out on the winter golf course outside our home. They arrive early in the day and graze all day long in the grassy patches where the snow has melted. They call others to come join them, and they'll come and land honking loudly. Late in the afternoon they take off to roost somewhere. You can see their trailing Vs in the sky as they leave ~ so beautiful! I hope you had a great time in Africa today!

    1. I've had a lovely time this evening finishing on catching up on your posts, Noushka! I made comments on a lot of them, but toward the end I stopped. I mean, how many times can I say beautiful, gorgeous, lovely, wonderful, striking, breathtaking. I could say that about any post you publish. Your work is spectacular! When I said I missed the sparrow hawk in your header, I didn't mean to disparage the colorful pin-tailed sandgrouse currently heading your page. It's plumage is a riot of amazing colors! Sending you a big hug and hoping you are enjoying yourself!

  8. Ay, que sería de la humanidad sin las flores y los pajaros...

    Preciosas imagenes, amiga

  9. Trop belles les expressions de ces petits plumeux. Merci Noushka
    Belles découvertes à toi.
    A bientôt et bisous tout plein

  10. Hi, Noushka! I came across a great quote in January 2018's "National Geographic" this morning. It immediately made me think of you. "If you take care of the birds, you take care of most of the big problems in the world." Thomas Lovejoy ~ biologist and conservationist who helped introduce the term "biodiversity." NG is working with the National Audubon Society, Birdlife International, and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in a 12-month multi-platiform to examine how changes in the environment are resulting in dramatic loses of bird species in around the world. They're calling 2018 the Year of the Bird. I remember reading in some of the comments on your post about the declining numbers of small passerine birds (sweet little birds) in readers' areas.

    I was also just reading that in Nova Scotia, Dr. Cindy Staicer at Dalhousie University is focusing on three species (Canada Warbler, Olive-sided Flycatcher, and Rusty Blackbird) that are at risk and breed in forested wetland habitats in Nova Scotia. She's hosting a free workshop in Digby, just a short way from where some my family lives. She's looking for volunteers for the Landbird Species at Risk (SAR) lead by Dr. Staicer. I'd be there in a heartbeat to participate in the workshop and volunteer if I wasn't thousands of miles away! It breaks my heart to know that these beautiful little songsters are at risk. I'm glad that my grandmother and her two sisters aren't alive to know this. They loved birds dearly and taught me to identify many species who visited their yards.

    What you are doing is so important, Noushka! I may fall behind on your posts, but I eventually see every single photo! Wishing you joy and fulfillment as you track down birds in magnificent Africa! Sending you a big hug!

  11. Hi Noushka,
    I just took a look at all the posts you published in january 2018. I admire the variety, but also the number of different species. Beautiful colours, sharpness and close-ups. It surprised me that you published a number of pictures of waves. Quite a coincidence that I published on my blog the waves of La Palma more or less at the same moment you published yours, very much different from yours. You can imagine that I took a look at your pictures of the waves with even more interest than usual.
    Anyway, it was big fun to see and read everything you published this month.
    Enjoy Africa!
    Greetings, Kees

  12. Dearest Noushka,
    Such darling little elegant bird the Chiffchaff!
    Love you photos.
    Sending you hugs,

  13. Bien pillado.. Son tan nerviosos.. Muy bonitas imágenes.. :-)))


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