
4 mai 2018

Bulbul tricolore

 Pycnonotus tricolor

Considéré par certains ornithologistes comme une sous-espèce du Bulbul des jardins
Dans la savane, on les voit partout; auparavant, il fut classé chez les Turdidés (la famille des merles et grives). Ils mangent des fruits, du nectar, des graines et des insectes. Pas de dimorphisme entre le mâle et la femelle.
Même s'il n'est pas très coloré, c'est un oiseau que je connais depuis très longtemps et que j'aime bien :)
The Dark-capped bulbul
It is seen everywhere in the savannah, in gardens and has adapted to all sorts of habitats and climates. It was originally classified in the Turdidae family. Male and female are alike.
This bird eats fruit, nectar, seeds and insects.
Even if it not very colourful, I've known this bird for a long time, it is very familiar to me!

Ci-dessous, le long de la rivère Mara, une pierre creuse a recueilli de l'eau et les oiseaux venaient y boire et se baigner:

Hereunder, by the Mara river, a hollow rock retaining rain water is used by birds to bathe:

 In the camp gardens:
Dans les jardins du camp:

In the savannah:
Dans la savanne:

10 commentaires:

  1. Some great photos of, yes, a bird very familiar to me as well. They are fascinating to watch. Hope all is well, hugs Diane

  2. Hi Noushka. Super images of the Bulbul! I saw many of these birds in Morocco, but didn't remember the striking yellow plumage on the vent and when I looked at my numerous photos none of them showed yellow vents. This got me looking at my Collins Bird Guide, which states the Common Bulbul has a white vent, but Spectacled Bulbul has a yellow vent. Some of your images exhibit the eye feature of the Spectacled, but others don't and still show a yellow vent. As these birds occupy similar areas, I'm wondering if there is cross-breeding.

    I hope that all is going well with your adventure. Best wishes and take good care - - - Richard

  3. Coucou Noushka,
    En tous cas pas commun chez nous hihihi
    Alors moi je me régale de voir des oiseaux que je ne vois pas, forcément ;-)
    Très belles comme toujours les attitudes que tu as saisies.
    Bises et bonne journée

  4. c'est vrai qu'il n'est pas très coloré, mais j'aime bien son petit cul jaune moi .
    bises et bon week end

  5. Lovely pictures. Thhey seem to be very inteligent birds, exploiting any opportunity they can.

  6. Coucou Noushka, wow so amazing!
    Take care and happy week-end.
    Lots of love.

  7. What a fantastic photographic study of the Bulbul! Although common to you and other posters, this is a new bird for me. I would love to see it in person.

    Gini and I truly hope you are having a great adventure in the wilds of Africa!

  8. Hi Noushka,
    Wonderful set of images of the Bulbul, as you say a very common bird that once whilst on holiday my wife fed every day with a mixture of seeds and peanuts. After that they woke us every morning at first light tapping on the glass door to be fed, wonderful.
    All the best, John

  9. Es un pajarillo discreto en colores pero no por ello menos bello. Las imágenes inmejorables.. Enhorabuena..


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