
27 déc. 2018

Petit brame 2018 en Espagne!

 Cervus elaphus
Les grands animaux ne sont pas sortis devant mon affût quand j'y étais pour 3 jours, le matin tôt, fin septembre et juste avant de m'envoler pour le Kenya. Mais les élaphes sauvages de la péninsule ibérique n'ont pas la même structure que ceux du reste de l'Europe. Ils sont moins étoffés et font plus.... "gringalets"! Leurs bois suivent le même principe: les merrains sont plus fins. Cela n'empêche qu'ils sont élégants et fiers!

Nikon: D850 + 800 mm f5/6

Red deer, at rutting time in Spain
The older males never came out in front of me during the 3 days I tried my luck with the bellowing time, end of September early in the morning and just before flying to Kenya. These Spanish cervids are not structured like those of the rest of Europe much sturdier; they are less robust, although they are elegant and proud. The same goes for their antlers: the main beam is usually thin.


6 cors

8 cors

Par chance un magnifique Renard roux est apparu au loin:
I was lucky to see this beautiful fox in the distance:

Le soir, tentative d'affût au bord de "mon" pantano habituel; plusieurs Gorge-bleues à miroir étaient présentes en retour de leur migration des endroits plus au nord où elles nichent.

One evening I tried a hide around my favourite waterhole; only a few Bluethroat were flying in and out of the reeds on their migration return from their northern nesting areas.

Buteo buteo
Envol d'une Buse variable venue voir si les Busards des roseaux n'auraient pas abandonné les reste d'un canard ou d'un limicole:

A Common buzzard flies away after inspecting the area to fin left overs from Marsh harriers:

7 commentaires:

  1. A wonderful collection of images, Carine. It's impossible to choose a favourite as they are all superb, and capture the environment as well as the subject species exquisitely.

    Have an excellent 2019! - - - - Richard

  2. As always, beautifully captured. I am delighted with birds. I wish you successful "hunts" with the camera in 2019!

  3. Lovely set of photos as always but I do love that Bluethroat, so attractive. It looks like it is quite mild there weatherwise as it has been here so far. I am dreading the change and it is sure to happen. Hope you had a good Christmas, warm hugs Diane

  4. Hi Noushka,
    Another set of superb images.
    The Red deer are such a proud looking beast, I can see what you say regarding the antlers.
    Always good to see a Bluethroat.
    All the best for 2019, John

  5. Dearest Noushka,
    Love all of your images and as usual, your captivating stories with them!
    It makes the viewer more or less part of the action, it adds the feeling.
    Sending you hugs,

  6. De superbes rencontres comme toujours lors d'un affût!
    Magnifique Gorge- bleue

  7. I loved the fox and deer, but the bluethroat bird is especially beautiful. I don't have the patience to wait in a hide, so I appreciate your dedication to your art and you willingness to share natural beauty with us! Take care, Noushka!


THANK YOU for your kind words!
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