
17 janv. 2019

La Bécasse bois

                                                                      Scolopax rusticola 
Oiseaux typiquement forestiers, le plus souvent de passage, ils arrivent par temps sombre, le plus souvent la nuit. ils apprécient les taillis ou les futaies et les bois où le terreau est humide et couvert de feuilles mortes. Ils se nourrissent de petits insectes et araignées mais leur mets de prédilection est le ver de terre.
L'espèce est migratrice pour la plupart de sa population et niche très au nord de l'Europe dans les régions de permafrost des toundras. Avec le réchauffement que connait la nature, leur reproduction devient plus difficile et leurs nombres, comme chez tant d'autres oiseaux, reculent sévèrement.
Pas de surprise... la chasse et le braconnage sont les principales raisons de son déclin. 

"Faire revenir la bécasse plumée mais non vidée dans une cocotte dans laquelle vous aurez fait fondre 20 g de margarine"....
Comment peut-on encore tuer et manger cet oiseaux merveilleux dont le surnom de "mordorée" est tout un poème en soi!
Sa beauté, sa grâce, son mystère et son intelligence toute particulière en font mon oiseau fétiche.

The elusive Woodcock
They are migratory birds and the forest is their typical habitat; In our latitudes, they arrive in dark weather, most often at night. They appreciate woodlands where the soil is damp and covered with dead leaves. They feed on small insects and spiders, but their favourite food is the earthworm.The species breeds high in northern Europe in the tundra's permafrost areas. With the global warming their reproduction becomes more difficult and their numbers, as it is with so many other bird species, dwindle severely.
No surprise... hunting and poaching are the main reasons for its decline.

12 commentaires:

  1. Hi Noushka.

    A beautiful bird.
    Nice that you can put this on the picture.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  2. Elle se confond presque avec son milieu boisée cette jolie bécasse. C'est un bon camouflage.
    Bonne journée Noushka.

  3. Hi Noushka,
    A bird we get occasionally passing through.
    They really are such a beautiful bird, superb set of images in what appears to be difficult conditions.
    All the best, John

  4. I would not want to be a woodcock no matter how pretty it is, Noushka. Dark, damp, dead, worms ~ No thanks! Do people poach them for their feathers?

  5. A bird I often see at dusk when I visit a roost. Not often views like these are obtained. Lovely shots indeed Noushka.

  6. Coucou Noushka, ah ben dis donc il faut de bons yeux pour faire de telles photos... elle se confond complètement aux feuilles mortes. Bravo à toi pour ces beaux clichés.
    Bonne fin de semaine et des bisous tout plein

  7. Hello dear friend Noushka, yes the Woodcock is a amazing bird but also in danger. They hide very well and are difficult to see. You were so lucky to take these great captures of them.
    Regards, Roos

  8. Greetings, Carine, from a rather wet, and very dull, England. These are super images of a bird that is difficult to find in daylight conditions. I have only seen this species on four occasions, and never managed a decent photo!

    The Brexit situation here is long past depressing. I can see our 'leaders' making a real mess of it, severing all ties with Europe so that we just drift out into the cold North Atlantic, never to be heard of again! ;-}

    Take great care and keep well My very best wishes - - - Richard

  9. Que chulito tan emplumado... Muy bonitas fotos.. Besos

  10. Bonjour Noushka,
    Tu as bien raison , comment peut-on encore chasser chez nous! Quel bel oiseau ! Dans ce décor automnal elle disparaît dans le paysage et il faut bien chercher pour la voir.
    Superbes ces images!

  11. Dearest Noushka,
    You are lucky for having captured this very elusive Woodcock!
    But mentioning the global warming had me laugh as in the northern tundra it is ice cold and ask those people paying heating costs if they notice the 'political warming'. You're fair in stating that hunting and poaching are the main reason for its decline. Sad fact and we've seen this on the Island of Java, Indonesia where they just hunt for fun. One image will never get off my retina when we encountered a teen with a twine around his waist on which he had all sorts of dead birds hanging... Oh, killing them is such fun! I've given him a mouthful but I doubt he and others will ever change. They are the reason that species become absolutely extinct.

  12. avec tes yeux d'aigle tu as trouvé la bécasse! :)))


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