
19 janv. 2019

Le Tichodrome échelette

                                                   Tichodroma muraria

Pas du tout les photos que je voudrais vous vous en doutez, mais j'ai eu chaud hier avec mon Nikkor 800mm ayant dérapé avec le matos à l'épaule au pied d'une falaise d'escalade dans les Pyrénées, heureusement il n'a rien. Du coup, je suis remontée cet aprem mais avec le D500 qui est loin d'être aussi performant que le D850 et le 200/500 mm. L'oiseau est resté trop loin, trop à la verticale de cette falaise mais je l'aurais un jour, mieux que ça!

 The Wallcreeper
Really not the pictures I would dream to take you can well imagine, but yesterday I got a fright as my foot slipped on gravel as I was climbing down from the cliff with my 800 mm on the shoulder. Fortunately no damage done but today I went back up this sharp path with only the 200/500 mm and the D500 for a 750 mm focal but that camera is far from the D850 in quality.

On trouve cet insectivore entre 100 et 3000m d'altitude

13 commentaires:

  1. Muy bonitas imágenes de treparriscos... La imagen de portada es una preciosidad.. Enhorabuena guapa...😊😊😊

  2. I'm glad that you're okay, Noushka! I'm always uneasy when hiking or climbing in gravelly places. I love the wallcreeper's splashes of red on its wings.

  3. Bravo! J'espère que toi et ton matériel êtes sortis sans dommage de cette aventure.
    C'en est bien une que de partir à la rencontre de ce magnifique acrobate!Une merveille d'oiseau!
    Bon dimanche à toi!

  4. j'ai pensé à toi plus qu'au matériel ! tu n'es pas satisfaite et pourtant tes photos sont précises !

  5. Dearest Noushka,
    Wow, love these images and reading about your acrobatic climb and partial slipping off the gravel, be careful. Even more so for yourself than for the equipment!
    Sending you hugs,

  6. Superbe. Cet oiseau a des ailes de papillon sud-américain, une vraie merveille !
    Prends bien garde à toi Noushka, heureusement ton ange gardien a bien fait son boulot ;-)

  7. ah ben tu vois , moi je m'en contenterais tel quel ! LOL réalises tu la chance de pouvoir le voir ? c'est ENORME
    bises et bon lundi

  8. Hi Noushka,
    Wonderful set of images of the Wallcreeper, such a colourful little bird.
    To slip on the gravel and get away with it was a warning, please in future be careful and it does not help carrying the weight of the 800mm lens, I have enough with a 600mm.
    All the best and be careful, John

  9. The Wallcreeper seems, to me, to be one of the holy grails of European birding, Carine, and I'm so pleased that you found and photographed one - great images! I'm also pleased to hear that you and your kit survived your slip. I guess it was a pretty frightening experience. Please do take great care. My very best wishes - - - Richard

  10. De quoi te plains tu? Ces photos sont superbes a me rendre jaloux

  11. celui là me donne du fils a retordre hihihi y se montre mais dès que je fais la mp il disparait le coquin de plus dans des falaises dangereuses . jolies tes images

  12. What a pretty bird, one I have never heard of!! Thank goodness your camera (and you) were OK after the slip. I fell in Bordeaux earlier in the year and because I thought 'camera' it suvived the fall but I did not do quite as well and had to go into a phamacy for them to clean me up!! Cheaper though to fix me than the camera!! One more week and we should be back in France. So looking forward to getting home!! Warm hugs Diane

  13. It seems to me the D500 performed quite well! Proving once again, it is the photographer which matters most, not necessarily the equipment.
    The Wallcreeper is gorgeous and your images are superb! We really appreciate your sharing them. But you don't need to fall down mountains and destroy valuable equipment just to impress us!! Be careful out there.

    Our weather has been outstanding here in central Florida and we are already starting to hear spring songs in the woods. And it is not even February!


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