
12 févr. 2019

Flash sur les Flamants camarguais

Phoenicopterus roseus

Des incontournables, ces grands oiseaux roses! Si je vais à Pont de Gau à mon retour des Alpes, c'est plus pour les passereaux mais cette fois, comme il y avait des rafales de vent à plus de 100 km/h pendant que j'y séjournais, les petits oiseaux restaient bien cachés.

The Pink flamingoes are key players in Camargue.
If I go there on my way back from the Alps, it is more for passerine birds but this time the weather was extremely windy with gusts over 100 km/h and the small birds remained hidden.

Un jeune réclamait à manger à un adulte pendant de longues minutes qui se laissait faire patiemment mais sans lui céder quoique ce soit, et le coquin était parfaitement capable de débrouiller tout seul!

An immature was begging for food for long minutes from an adult who wouldn't yield, but the rascal was quite able to find food by himself!

10 minutes plus tard, l'adulte, qui ne lui aura rien donné, en a assez et ses pattes tricotent pour se débarrasser de ce jeune qui finit par l'agacer!

10 minutes later, the adult who never regurgitated, had enough and his longs legs got somewhat caught in the youngster!


La seule photo que j'ai pu réaliser du Roitelet triple bandeau:
The only Firecrest photo I managed this time:

12 commentaires:

  1. They are beautiful, I always wanted to see them in the wild and I saw them in Camargue.:)

  2. Beutiful birds and stunning photos and I just love the little Firecrest. Hope all is well. Saw the cranes flying over today, the weather must be warming up 🌞 Take care, warm hugs Diane

  3. Dearest Noushka,
    Lovely photos from the Pink flamingoes and even better your story about the annoying 'teenager' that bothered the adult!
    Great take-off shots with the long legs getting stuck and superb photo with the outstretched legs in flight!

  4. Wow Carine,
    I like these birds a lot. You show us here a number of fantastic pictures. It is always a pleasure to look at these elegant birds, in the wild ánd on pictures.
    Greetings, Kees

  5. Hi Noushka,
    Wonderful set of images of the beautiful Flamingo, they really are such a marvellous bird to see.
    Great to see them inflight, so graceful.
    At least you managed an image of the Firecrest.
    All the best, John

  6. c'est toujours un grand plaisir de les voir, c'est pas tous les jours qu'on peut les prendre en photo.
    tes portraits sont superbes et colorés à souhait !
    bonne fin de journée

  7. Coucou Noushka, je suis en plein rêve éveillé! que c'est beau! et qu'il est mignon ce petit roitelet.
    Merci pour ce partage coloré. Je t'embrasse

  8. Hi, Noushka! I'm back from an out of town trip ~ Terry and I met my brother and sister-in-law in Las Vegas for a week. We had a fabulous time, but I had to sleep for two days when I got home. I love these splendid photos of the flamingoes. How a bird can look so graceful and elegant in one moment and awkward and gangly in another is a mystery to me. Is the trip to the Okavango still on? I hope all is well with you, my friend!

  9. Jeux de lumière, jeux de plumes! Toujours intéressants les flamants et si beaux, il n'y manque que le son!

  10. I love the wonderful splash of colour in these fabulous images, Carine. Thank you for giving me a real treat for the eyes.

    I hope that all is well with you. Take good care - - - - Richard

  11. des poses pour le photographe ... formidable résultat! quelle patience! bises

  12. Un lujo para la vista.. Y el reyezuelo como colofón. Enhorabuena..


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