
17 févr. 2019

Agame des arbres à tête bleue

Acanthocerus atricollis

L'Agame est une famille de lézards sauriens représentée par plus de 300 espèces différentes réparties en Afrique, Asie et sud de l'Europe.

L'Agame des arbres à tête bleue, principalement diurne, est typique d'Afrique de l'est, du centre et du sud; ces individus, photographiés en Ouganda, vivent dans les arbres où ils trouvent leurs proies telles que les orthoptères (sauterelles et criquets), petits scarabées et fourmis; ils bougent très peu, préférant choper leur proie quand elle passe à leur portée.
L'espèce a une vie sociale qui s'organise en colonies de femelles et de juvéniles autour d'un mâle dominant qui en combat d'autres pour conserver son territoire de chasse.

Blue-headed tree agama
Agama are a family of lizards represented by over 300 species found in Africa, Asia and southern Europe.

Mainly diurnal, these lizards are endemic to Est, Central and Southern Africa;  These individuals photographed in Uganda live in trees where they find their prey: mainly hoppers, small beetle and ants; they hardly move but reach for them as they come close.
The species has a social life organized in colonies of females and juveniles around a dominant male who fights other males to keep his hunting grounds.

Et la mouche se fit toute petite...
The fly humbles itself...

- Papa, j'suis grand, je veux aller voir le monde...
- Dad, I'm big now, I want to discover the world...

- Haaan!!..... C'est grand!!!!
- Ooohh!!... It's huge!

- T'es pas encore assez grand, reviens tout de suite!
- You're not big enough, come back here!

Ils se laissent approcher si on fait doucement; ici 3 individus mâles adultes pris dans différents lieux:

We can approach them quite close if we move slowly; here 3 adult males shot in different places:

17 commentaires:

  1. I'd love to see these splendidly colourful lizards, Carine. Thank you for showing us these fabulous images.

    With my very best wishes - take good care - - - Richard

  2. Hi Noushka.

    Beautiful Noushka, what beautiful colors they have.

    Groettie from Patricia.

  3. Excellent photos Noushka. Some of our animals are truly beautifully coloured.

  4. une couleur sublime ! bravo!

  5. Pas besoin de vêtements pour être superbement vêtu!
    Un enchantement pour nos yeux!
    Bonne semaine Noushka et grosses bises!

  6. Hi Noushka,
    The adult males are so colourful, super set of images with excellent information.
    All the best, John

  7. Hello Noushka,
    This is so nice. Wonderful all these pictures.
    These kind of animals are so nice to photograph. You've done this very well again.

    Greetings, Marco

  8. I do love reptiles and these are extremelu pretty, of course the great photos show them off at their best. Hope all is well. Have a good week, hugs Diane

  9. Coucou Noushka, quelle beauté ces Agames et j'aime bien tes commentaires.. ce sont de vrais paresseux aï, aï, aî
    Merci à toi c'est un régal.
    Belle continuation et bonne semaine. Tout plein de bisous de chatou

  10. Your expert photographic skills really highlight these spectacular lizards! Thank you so much for sharing them with us!

  11. ces fascinants toutes ces couleurs ! c'est vraiment beau

  12. Beautiful muy friend.. Have a nice weekend

  13. Hi Carine,
    These lizards I have seen a few years ago in Kruger NP. Fantastic coloured creatures. The conditions for taking pictures were obviously great for you, looking at the colours. For me it was more difficult, because it was around the middle of the day. I really like your pictures.
    Greetings, Kees

    1. Hi Kees,
      Thanks for your kind comment!
      I actually took these pics just after lunch but the shade under the trees was light enough and I even had to under expose.
      All the best, kind regards :)

  14. The photo with "Oh, it's huge!" is awesome, especially when woven into your little story about father and son. To me, it's photography becoming art, because the angle is novel, and I can't help but wonder what the lizard is seeing and thinking/feeling ~ the textures and colors of the black mysterious background, the mortared red bricks, and the patterned lizard are gorgeous! Lizards as colorful as these must give paleontologists visions of colored dinosaurs. Have a good one, my friend!

  15. Dearest Noushka,
    Love your Blue-headed tree agama shots and your great story with it!


THANK YOU for your kind words!
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