
20 sept. 2016

"Fouzzytout" d'insectes et libellules

Hymenoptera - Vespidae

Un Frelon asiatique photographié au Confluent Garonne-Ariège au sud de Toulouse, une région particulièrement infestée.. Il est venu boire à mes pieds, pas facile de le photographier avec le 200-500 mm, il m'a fallu prendre du recul sans lui faire peur! On peut bien voir ses tibias jaunes.
Pour bien le reconnaitre voir ICI.
Comment faire pour tenter de limiter ses effectifs? Voir ICI.

An Asian wasp 
 came to drink at my feet: not easy to take the shot: with 200-500 mm I was too close. I had to back up slowly! 
To recognize more easily the species, see HERE.
How to try to limit its numbers? See HERE.

 Un Hymenoptère Crabronidae du genre Tachysphex trouvé cet été en Catalogne, avec des yeux jaune-souffre extraordinaires; il y en aurait 33 espèces répertoriées en Espagne seulement, plus les sous-espèces...

A wasp of the Tachysphex gender I found in Catalonia this summer with its extraordinary sulphur yellow eyes; in Spain alone 33 species

Crocothemis erythraea


Sympetrum fonscolombii

Mâle immature:

Male adulte:

 Absente à nouveau pour quelques jours, je vous souhaite un excellent weekend :)

Away again for a few days, I wish you all a great weekend :)

13 commentaires:

  1. Exquisite photos as always, Noushka. I've been traveling too, which is largely why I am behind on all your wonderful posts. We're up in Victoria, British Columbia right now. On Saturday we visited the Robert Bateman Center, and I though of you so much while I was there. Bateman is one of our best wildlife painters, and he particularly loves birds. When he was a child, he learned the names of all the birds in his neighborhood because he wanted to know the names of "his neighbors." There is a small bird gallery in one section of the exhibit where you can push a button and hear the song of the bird in the painting. Oh did I have fun with that! The gallery was full of people because it was a free day, so you could hear a chorus of birdsong throughout the center. He was a conservationist and was one of a number of artists who painted pictures in protest of logging old growth forests, and they succeeded. I even found a picture of a dragonfly that he sketched in broad lines. I wish you could have been there with me, my special friend! Have a lovely few days away! Sending you a big hug and lots of love!

  2. So so lifelike, amazing photos once again. Glad you put that Asian Wasp on as I had what I think is Vespa crabro today. Not quite the same. Will load it up later. Thanks your timing was great :-) Big hugs Diane

  3. Coucou tite oiselle,
    Très jolie série mais je reste accrochée aux odonates :) À part avec toi j'en ai pas fait cette année.
    J'espère que tu as éliminé le frelon asiatique !
    Big kiss ma oiselle et bon courage ♥

  4. Hi Noushka, some exquisite images of the Dragonflies but the Asian Wasp you warned me about some weeks ago looks and reads as being a wicked nuisance. Great post. Have a good break. Regards John

  5. The Asian Wasp has been found at a location in England recently Noushka.
    They are going to track down the nest and destroy them apparently.

  6. Une très jolie série comme à ton habitude. Tu t'en es très bien sortie pour le frelon!
    Bises et bonne journée.

  7. Ah les frelons, j'en ai exterminé des tonnes cet été ... avec la fameuse bouteille accrochée, malheureusement on attrape aussi des petits papillons snifff

  8. Magnífica colección de insectos encabezada por esa avispa asiática que tantos problemas está causando y que se ha convertido en una auténtica plaga.
    Un abrazo,

  9. Hello Noushka, your dragonfly captures are just amazing. Great post. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  10. Stunning captures of the yellow eyed Wasp and those dragonflies. That Asian Wasp is great looking but hope never to encounter it. Next week I am again at my brother in France. If you are in the neighbourhood drop by. Rygasse, Aveyron.

  11. Once again astonishing pics. Well done!
    Greetings, Kees

  12. Une belle série d'insectes! Les Odonates sont toujours superbes. Superbe aussi ton hyménoptères aux yeux jaunes , je n'en ai jamais vu de semblable.
    De temps en temps je vois un frelon asiatique mais les autochtones sont encore les plus nombreux.
    Belle fin de semaine à toi, bien amicalement, Lucie


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Je ne peux pas répondre à tous vos commentaires individuellement mais à vos questions oui.