
11 avr. 2019

Au fil des eaux ougandaises

Une promenade en bateau ou canoé permet toujours de s'approcher des oiseaux sans trop les effaroucher. Ici, je vous présente parmi les plus grands rencontrés.

Larger birds of Uganda along the shores

A leisurely boat trip on the waters of Uganda allows a better proximity to wildlife including birds.

Pélican gris - Pink-backed pelican
Pelecanus rufescens

Pélican blanc - Great white pelican
Pelecanus onocrotalus

Une Mouette rieuse passe en volant alors que je voulais photographier le pélican:
A Black-headed gull flies in as I wanted to take the pelican:

Jabiru - Saddle-billed stork
Phippiorhynchus senegalensis

Bec-ouvert africain - African openbill
Anastomus lamelligerus

Les escargots sont leur mets favori:
Snails are their favourite:


Palmiste africain
- Palm-nut vulture
Gypohierax angolensis

 Marabout - Marabou stork
Leptoptilos crumenifer

Buffle d'Afrique
- African buffalo
Syncerus caffer

Cobe de Buffon - Ugandan kob
Kobus kob

Immature male

Female and cub
Mère et petit

Cobe defassa - Waterbuck
Kobus ellipsiprymnus

Et lui, que je ne présente plus, un magnifique mâle qui prenait du plaisir sur la berge:

A magnificent male elephant, enjoying himself along the shore:

Varanus niloticus

Je rajoute enfin ce magnifique Varan du Nil de près d'1.50 m qui passe devant moi alors que je photographiais des oiseaux!

And finally this superb Nile monitor about 1.50 m in length who passed me as I was 'shooting' birds, keeping a close eye on my mouvements!


Blog en pause, je vous souhaite de beaux clichés pendant ce mois d'avril!

Away again for a while, I wish you great pics during this month of April!

16 commentaires:

  1. Awesome collection of wildlife images. Your photos are always amazing. Wishing you a happy day!

  2. Dearest Noushka,
    What a great post about the different large water birds of Africa.
    If you look at all the different big 'tweezers', closed or open for easily handling snails, it is amazing how nature functions!
    Love the large animals you captured and how special to even spot a 'Varan du Nil'. In Dutch we also say Varaan.
    Have a safe trip!

  3. Beautiful images Noushka, the Monitor is my favourite.

  4. Amazing photos one and all. Anything Africa has to be good and when it is your photography it is even better. Safe trip, looking forward to the next set of African photos. Hugs Diane

  5. là, on y est vraiment !
    manque juste les odeurs et les sons de tout ces animaux en liberté
    Je me demande comment ils arrivent à bien se débrouiller ces oiseaux aux becs si énormes !!!
    superbe de chez superbe !

  6. Coucou ma Noushka, tes photos sont si belles qu'elles en sont émouvantes. De belles découvertes pour moi et j'ai adoré les photos en noir et blanc. Moment de tendresse entre deux buffles et l'éléphant qui s'éloigne. Amusant le si petit oiseau perché sur les cornes de "l'immence" buffle.
    Bon voyage et belles photos..
    je t'embrasse

  7. Hi Noushka.

    Beautiful pictures of these beautiful animals and birds.
    Great to see.

    Greeting from Patricia.

  8. Those are all spectacular birds, Carine, even if not the prettiest! Your mammals are wonderful, but the real treat for me was the monitor - I'd love to see one!

    Have a great trip and take good care. With my very best wishes - - - Richard

  9. Carine, all these captures are again amazing, the birds, the reptiles and the other animals. Just fantastic.
    Regards Roos

  10. Hi Noushka,
    Wonderful varied post with super images, the Saddle-billed stork and African open bill are such unusual birds.
    I managed some decent images of the Palm-nut vulture myself some years ago, and always good to see Buffalo and Elephants.
    Have a good trip.
    All the best, John

  11. tes photos sont très réussi... et superbes...j'admire! j'essaie depuis plusieurs semaines faire une photo du milan qui passe à heure précise... impossible... bises

  12. Dear Noushka,
    some wonderful boattrip this was. It's allways relaxing to watch wildlife from a boat.
    You saw a great number of various animals. Marvellous pictures. I enjoyed your post.

    Best regards, Corrie

  13. Maravillosas imágenes como de costumbre. Con una fauna increíble.. Besos

  14. Everytime I see your pictures of Africa it brings back memories. Alle these species I once have seen there so you can imagine I liked to see all these great pictures.
    Have a good time during your journey.
    Greetings, Kees

  15. Hi, Noushka! You, as always, have captured some wonderful photos. That male elephant was magnificent and would be something to see in the wild. I think a 1.5 meter monitor would creep me out. Terry and I have pretty much decided to move to Nevada, just outside Las Vegas. We've been traveling back and forth house hunting. So far we haven't landed one ~ missed out on three. Travel safely!

  16. Fantastica y variada serie de fotos de estas míticas criaturas..


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