...avec l'Ecureuil roux dans l'action!
Sciurus vulgaris
Mammifera - Sciuridae
Mammifera - Sciuridae
J'ai déjà abordé ce sujet ICI mais entrons un peu plus profondément dans le sujet.
Ce qui suit est valable pour les boitiers qui montent bien en ISOs (chez Nikon: D7200, D500, D700 et au-delà).
Les boitiers numériques sont de plus en plus performants et offrent des possibilités et des combinaisons de réglages fiables alors pourquoi ne pas les exploiter?
Il ne faut pas avoir une phobie du grain (bruit) mais savoir le limiter de la meilleure manière: en lumière basse, il vaut mieux prendre à 1600 ISOs qu'à 100 ou 200 ISOs et devoir rectifier dans un post traitement, aussi bon soit-il.
Les ISOs automatiques sont extrêmement utiles pour l'animalier, surtout quand le sujet bouge et passe dans des lumières différentes.
Il suffit de déterminer les ISOS min et max dans le réglage 'sensibilité'; avec le D7200 par exemple, on peut les limiter à 3/4000 voire plus à partir du D500.
Bien que la plupart des boitiers digitaux permettent ce réglage dans presque tous les modes, les meilleurs résultats seront obtenus en mode Manuel, ce qui permet de gérer et d'adapter la vitesse (S) et l'exposition (+/-) surtout, l'ouverture (A) donnant les meilleurs résultats vers 7.1 / 8.
Le boitier prendra donc d'office en considération les changements brusques dans sa perception de la lumière sur le poil ou le plumage. Un réglage de moins à contrôler est un gain de quelques dixièmes de seconde qui peut faire toute la différence dans l'attitude du sujet.
Il ne faut pas avoir peur des ISOs: il vaut mieux un peu de grain que d'avoir des images floues mais il y a une limite qu'il faut éviter de dépasser.
Et surtout, ne pas hésiter à essayer: les résultats sont très satisfaisants!
Et surtout, ne pas hésiter à essayer: les résultats sont très satisfaisants!
Pros and cons of Automatic ISOs in fauna photography
I already wrote about this subject HERE but let's get deeper into the subject.
What follows is valid for the cameras handling ISOs well (with Nikon: D7200, D500, D700 and beyond).
Cameras are nowadays very performant and offer a number of possibilities and setting combinations that are interesting to try out.
Don't have a phobia of the noise; rather limit it in the best way: in low light, it is better to shoot at 1600 ISOs than at 100 or 200 ISOs and have to rectify in a post-treatment program as good as it might be. Setting the ISOs in automatic mode is extremely useful for fauna photography, especially when the subject moves through different light levels and thus changes the camera's perception of it. One can determine the min and max ISOs according to the camera tolerance. With the Nikon D7200 for example, they can go up to 3/4000, more with the D500. Although most digital cameras in Auto ISO mode will perform in most shooting modes, best results are achieved with the Manuel mode which allows to adjust the Aperture, the Speed and the +/- exposure. The camera will thus consider automatically abrupt change of its light perception on the animal hair or the bird plumage. A setting less to control is a gain of a few tenth of a second and that can make all the difference in the attitude of the subject on the photo
No need to be unreasonably afraid of ISOs: a little noise is better than out of focus images but there is a limit not to exceed.
Do not to hesitate to try this setting, the results are really excellent!
I already wrote about this subject HERE but let's get deeper into the subject.
What follows is valid for the cameras handling ISOs well (with Nikon: D7200, D500, D700 and beyond).
Cameras are nowadays very performant and offer a number of possibilities and setting combinations that are interesting to try out.
Don't have a phobia of the noise; rather limit it in the best way: in low light, it is better to shoot at 1600 ISOs than at 100 or 200 ISOs and have to rectify in a post-treatment program as good as it might be. Setting the ISOs in automatic mode is extremely useful for fauna photography, especially when the subject moves through different light levels and thus changes the camera's perception of it. One can determine the min and max ISOs according to the camera tolerance. With the Nikon D7200 for example, they can go up to 3/4000, more with the D500. Although most digital cameras in Auto ISO mode will perform in most shooting modes, best results are achieved with the Manuel mode which allows to adjust the Aperture, the Speed and the +/- exposure. The camera will thus consider automatically abrupt change of its light perception on the animal hair or the bird plumage. A setting less to control is a gain of a few tenth of a second and that can make all the difference in the attitude of the subject on the photo
No need to be unreasonably afraid of ISOs: a little noise is better than out of focus images but there is a limit not to exceed.
Do not to hesitate to try this setting, the results are really excellent!
Merci à tous et à toutes pour vos gentils commentaires sur mes derniers articles, j'ai enfin une connection internet mais je ne suis pas encore assez libre pour vous rendre visite... bientôt!
Thanks to all of you my friends for your kind comments on my latest posts, I am at last connected on the internet since today but I still don't have enough time to visit your blogs... soon!