Emberiza calandra
Passeriformes - Emberizidae

Je me suis donc postée, assise contre le seul bouquet de joncs autour de
la mare, sous un filet crème clair couleur de la terre.
Corn bunting
The species is not really migratory, only the individuals reproducing in the more northern regions fly down south for winter. It is common in Europe, North Africa and Asia. These were photographed around a water source intended for sheep in desert areas. Naturally all wildlife comes to drink especially when it is very hot, the shier later in the evening.
Nikon D7200 + 200/500 mm
The species is not really migratory, only the individuals reproducing in the more northern regions fly down south for winter. It is common in Europe, North Africa and Asia. These were photographed around a water source intended for sheep in desert areas. Naturally all wildlife comes to drink especially when it is very hot, the shier later in the evening.
Nikon D7200 + 200/500 mm