Panthera pardus
Voici la merveille des félins, le Léopard africain. Dans le delta de l'Okavango, il n'est pas rare de le voir, et pouvoir le suivre même brièvement est source d'adrénaline et d'enchantement. Une merveille dans ses proportions, son pelage extraordinairement tacheté et son regard d'une intensité profonde.
African leopard
This is the wonder of the big cat family. I it is not rare to see it in the Okavango delta and to be able to follow it even briefly is source of adrenalin and delight; a marvel in its proportions, its extraordinarily fur speckled with rosettes and the intensity of its look.
This is the wonder of the big cat family. I it is not rare to see it in the Okavango delta and to be able to follow it even briefly is source of adrenalin and delight; a marvel in its proportions, its extraordinarily fur speckled with rosettes and the intensity of its look.

panthère, léopard... ? majestueux !!!
RépondreSupprimerThese creatures are absolutely beautiful. I love the fur and how it changes in the light. Thanks for the share, have a fantastic weekend. Keep up the posts. Amazing post!
RépondreSupprimerWorld of Animals
Hi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerWhat a proud and beautiful creature with such stunning coloration.
Mind I would not like to get on the wrong side of the teeth.
All the best and look after yourself.
Hi, Noushka! I’m home from traveling and enjoyed seeing this beautiful leopard. How I would love to see the Okavango Delta. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos. I am without my computer for another week or so. I’m learning to access friends’ posts via my phone ~ slow going. I hope all is well with you.
RépondreSupprimerHi Noushka.
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful pictures of the Leopard.
Beautiful animal.
Groettie from Patricia.
My favourite wild animal, though the wild dog is a close second. After hand rearing a baby leopard in Rhodesia in the early 50's I fell in love with them. Fabulous photos, each and every one. I am so jealous of your recent trips. Enjoy the weekend, warm hugs Diane
RépondreSupprimerIl est tout simplement un chef d'oeuvre d'esthétique. Tes photos lui rendent un superbe hommage!
RépondreSupprimerDommage qu'il n'existe pas en version "chat"!
Bisous et bonne fin de semaine où que tu sois!
Une splendeur de la vie sauvage! Cela doit laisser des souvenirs inoubliables!
RépondreSupprimerMerci pour ces belles pages dans une nature que nous aimerions immuable.
A notre tour de te souhaiter un agréable week end, amicalement!
Hi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimermagnificent cat; magnificent pictures!
Best regards, Corrie
Joli minet !
RépondreSupprimerSuch wonderful images of what is probably my favourite of the big cats, Carine. A magnificent, handsome, and powerful creature - awesome!
RépondreSupprimerHave a great week, and take good care - - - - Richard
Hello Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerThis is fantastic.
Great to see these kind of wildlife animals.
Greetings, Marco
Hi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerEvery nature lover hoes to see what you have seen, looking at the pictures of the leopeard. You have to be very thankful that you have got these possibilities. Gorgeous!
Greetings, Kees
Dearest Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerOh my, it would have pumped my adrenaline for sure! What a majestic large cat this African leopard is.
Perfect, well fed body it looks like.
Thanks for sharing you incredible score!