Gallinula tenebrosa
Gruiformes Rallidae
En avril dernier, c'était le début de l'automne en Australie, les oiseaux élevaient leurs dernières nichées dans les jardins botaniques de Mackay dans le Queensland. Ces oiseaux d'eau sont plus petits et plus sombres que leurs cousins d'Europe.
In Australia at the beginning of the fall mid April, The Dusky moorhens were busy with their last brood in Mackay's Botanic Gardens. These water birds are smaller and darker than their European counterparts:

Gruiformes Rallidae
En avril dernier, c'était le début de l'automne en Australie, les oiseaux élevaient leurs dernières nichées dans les jardins botaniques de Mackay dans le Queensland. Ces oiseaux d'eau sont plus petits et plus sombres que leurs cousins d'Europe.
In Australia at the beginning of the fall mid April, The Dusky moorhens were busy with their last brood in Mackay's Botanic Gardens. These water birds are smaller and darker than their European counterparts:

Beautifully look of aquatic birds among the flowers. Greetings.
RépondreSupprimerIt goes without saying, Noushka, that your images are, as usual, superb! What really surprised me, however, is that the Moorhen that we know and love is so widespread. I'd never have guessed that the identical species lives in Australia. - and in America too!
RépondreSupprimerBest wishes - - - - Richard
Richard they are also pretty much all over Africa except in a few places as well. Diane
SupprimerHey Richard...the North American species was split some time ago. It is called Common Gallinule, Gallinula galeata here. And, with great respect to Noushka, I do not believe that the bird shown here is Common Moorhen, Gallinula chloropus. I am pretty sure it is Dusky Moorhen, Gallinula tenebrosa. Common Moorhen is not found in Australia.
SupprimerMany thanks David for correcting me on this one, I have not done my homework properly!
SupprimerI know I can count on your knowledge ;-)
Vous êtes le coupable !!! Je commençais à photographier les oiseaux et l'espèce est ... Je ne sais pas;)
RépondreSupprimerGorgeous moorhens.
RépondreSupprimerAnd that scene, those flowers...simply paradise!
Hi Noushka!
RépondreSupprimerVery beautiful birds and Botanic Garden ! Australia is a wonderful place for all that nature...
Hugs from Brazil
Hi Noushka.
RépondreSupprimerWonderful pictures of this beautiful bird.
Beautifully as in the water with all the flowers around it.
Groettie frome Patricia
Second try again, I always forget that first time never works on your blog for me! Lovely photos as always. I wish when we visited Australia I had of had a good camera and was keen on photography. Last visit was just after we had bought in France and before blogging, 10 years ago, my how time does fly!. Keep well Diane
RépondreSupprimerelles ressemblent comme 2 gouttes d'eau à celles bien de chez nous .. La bise bien chaude , ici c'est canicule
RépondreSupprimerHello Noushka, wonderful images of the Moorhen! They are neat looking birds. Have a happy day and new week ahead!
RépondreSupprimercoucou Nouchka
RépondreSupprimerUne virée au bord de l'eau voilà ce qu'il me fallait !!
gros bisous
Hi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerThe moorhen is a common bird with us, althought not always easy to photograph. Most of the times they are pretty shy. Quite a challenge is to make pics of the young ones. Beautifel pictures: I don't expect something else of you :-)
Greetings, Kees
Bonjour oiselle
RépondreSupprimerC'est un petit bonheur sur les fleurs d'eau. Ce décor est magique pour le soiseaux !
Jolie série.
Coucou Noushka des gallinaces magnifique dans un milieu tout aussi beau. Mille bisous et bonne semaine. Chatou
RépondreSupprimerHello Noushka, this is a great setting for these birds. Amazing to see they are also in Australia.
Siempre he querido visitar Australia, desde que era niño, y espero poder hacerlo dentro de unos años, porque es muy grande y está muy lejos, así que necesitaré tiempo que ahora no tengo. Estas aves sorprenden por ese rojo tan intenso.
RépondreSupprimerWonderful images, Noushka, especially the ones with the water lilies. But see the comment above. I believe the species is misidentified.