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12 juil. 2015

Chevalier combattant ou Combattant varié au bain

Philomachus pugnax
Charadriiformes - Scolopacidae

Un drôle d'oiseau dont le plumage nuptial est très différent d'un individu mâle à l'autre. Sa tête présente une double crête de plumes en oreillettes lui donnant un air de Mickey avec un long bec et la face dépourvue de plumes est recouverte d'excroissance oranges; sa grande collerette lui vaut son nom anglais de ruff. Ces deux parures nuptiales sont de couleurs très variables et sont souvent inversées mais certains mâles les ont entièrement marron-châtaigne.
La majeure partie de la population de ces limicoles grégaires au régime alimentaire très varié passe l'hiver en Afrique australe mais une petite partie des effectifs reste dans les zone méridionales d'Europe. Il niche dans les endroits marécageux et humides et sur les bords de mer.

The males' breeding plumage is strange looking, incredibly varied and very different from one individual to another. The head displays two lateral tufts of feathers giving it a 'Mickey mouse' look with a long beak, the bare face has curious small orange carnosities and its large ornamental collar inspired its English name. Tufts and collar have often inverted and very variable colours but some males can be entirely chestnut-brown.
The species breeds in humid areas and sea shores and migrates back to
winter in southern Africa but some birds remain in the warmer parts of Europe.

Un Chevalier combattant au plumage bien différent:

Another Ruff with very different plumage:

The females looks very ordinary and is smaller than the male:

Les femelles sont beaucoup plus ordinaire et sont plus petites que les mâles:

17 commentaires :

  1. Hello Noushka,
    What have you photographed these beautiful ruffs very well.
    Funny also with all that splash in the water.
    The males are always very beautiful when they're competing for a female.
    Great shots again, Noushka!!

    Many greetings,

  2. Hello Noushka, Awesome sighting and photos of the Ruff! They are not common birds to see around here. Great post, enjoy your new week ahead!

  3. Oh my!
    I studied these photos for a good long time.
    This is the most bizarre and unusual bird species I have ever seen!
    Nothing "common" about this breed -- the plumage, the crests, those head growths, colorings,
    the combined package. Wow.
    And of course you've captured them in magnificent beauty.
    Amazing birds!!!

  4. Dearest Noushka,
    Never ever have seen nor heard of these Ruffs. Incredible looking bird and one wonders if they go back a long time with their species.
    Quite different indeed, the one from the other.
    Sending you hugs and compliments for these gorgeous photos.

  5. Hello Noushka, These are indeed very special birds with amazing plumage for the male. I did not know that it can be so differtent on the males. Great photos!
    Regards, Roos

    P.S. Thank you for the name of the Dragonfly.

  6. Oh la touche !!! incroyable cet oiseau
    c'est la première fois que j'en vois un , mais quelle drôle d'allure quand même !

  7. Bonjour Noushka,
    Il est terrible cet oiseau, sur les photos 3/4 et 5 on dirait Louis XVI. Ils sont parfaitement photographiés et tu en parle très bien....tu est la Stéphane Bern du Chevalier Louis croix V bâton.

  8. Je ne connaissais pas et je reste sans voix devant une telle fantaisie et une telle profusion de détails soignés .La Nature a inventé l'art baroque bien avant nous !
    Amicalement !

  9. Good morning Noushka: Sorry to be a little late in catching up with your blog. I have been preoccupied lately, as you can imagine with this issue of the draining of the wetland, meetings, consultations etc. In addition we are getting ready to visit Richard next week. Great shots of the Ruff. I have never seen the male in breeding plumage and would love to do so. The closest I came was the male at Le Teich last July who still had a vestige of his finery. Big hugs from Miriam and me.

  10. The male Ruff is excellent, so beautiful Noushka.

  11. An amazing and comprehensive series of Ruff images Noushka, in particular the male of course, a quite unique bird with its fancy ruff and other plumage characteristics like no other.

  12. Hi Noushka.

    Beautiful pictures of these very special animals.

    Groettie frome Patricia.

  13. These birds especially the males are beautiful but so extraordinary looking. So colourful and showy. The females are simply pretty.

  14. What a wonderful array of photos of this beautiful bird. Well captured shots!

  15. Men have fantastic plumage head. Great pictures :)

  16. Marvellous pictures, Noushka.
    Best regards, Corrie


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