Cirl bunting - Escribano soteño
Emberiza cirlus
Catalogne, 2017/07
Nikon D500 + 800 mm f5/6E
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C'est vraiment un très joli passereau qui m'enchante chaque fois que
j'ai la
chance de le photographier dans de bonnes conditions comme ici.
This is a lovely passerine bird, especially the male and I really enjoy taking pictures of it when the conditions are that good.
On distingue la femelle des juvéniles par son dos plus roux:
Compared to juveniles, the females have a more reddish back:
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Juvenile |
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Que maravilla!!!
RépondreSupprimeroui merveilleux !
RépondreSupprimerGreat little bird. I remember so well seeing it for the first time in Spain in 2014. You have captured the essence of this bird really well, Noushka.
RépondreSupprimerEspectaculares imagenes, amiga... Preciosa la diferencia entre los fondos y la definicion de los animales
RépondreSupprimerHello, gorgeous bird. Your photos are amazing, great captures. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!
RépondreSupprimerNot a bird I know but it is so pretty. As always love your photos especially the one with the reflection.
RépondreSupprimerbeautiful day here today :-) Have a great week, hugs Diane
P.S. I have a fritillary butterfly on my blog today but not sure which one if you have time to identify please.
Bon jour Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerUn très beau petit passereau avec coups de coeur pour les photos 1 2 10 et 11.
De belles images.
Bises et bonne journée
PS : Yes, ce matin juste la case "je ne suis pas un robot" à cocher, merci
J'ai rien compris avec ta phrase "J'adore Didyma", et pour Martine, oui en effet, mais cela fait plusieurs mois de cela.
SupprimerRe bises
You might well have had good conditions, Noushka, but you're the person that can really maximise the opportunity! I have never seen such superb images of this species - absolutely wonderful! There's just a few small, and very localised, populations of Cirl Bunting in south-west England and I hope they manage to thrive and expand their territories.
RépondreSupprimerHave a great week. With my very best wishes - - - Richard
Hello Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerwhen I was a child we had at home some birds of Taeniopygia guttata, in Germany we say "Zebrafink", a vpretty and colorful little bird. Your passerines look a little bit like a Zebrafink.
The photos are once again very nice and the best for me is where the female bird is at the water.
Many greetings
¡No tengo palabras para tus maravillosas fotos!, no dejo de ver cada entrada pero no quiero repetirme, siempre empezaría por MARAVILLOSO. Un fuerte abrazo desde Asturias.
RépondreSupprimerDearest Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerWow, especially those photos near the water make this passerine bird look stunning in its semi-precious stone colors.
Sending you hugs,
Imagens fascinantes...congratulações!!
Tu les as peints à l'huile? Quelle netteté pour ces magnifiques "tableaux"!
RépondreSupprimerLa première photo avec le reflet dans l'eau est juste...divine!
Bisous Noushka
The Cirl bunting is lovely. I think all forms of the bird have such pretty colors. The first large photo with its beautiful reflection is spectacular! Have a good one, my friend!
RépondreSupprimerHi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerOnce again a bird I only know from pictures. A beautiful bird, so it is a pity I have never seen it with us. I like the colours, but also the reflections in the water. The combination of the bird and a dragonfly on the same picture is a special one
Greetings, Kees
Ah voilà un petit piaf que je n'arrive pas à avoir devant moi. Superbe photos oiselle. Je les envie.