Rock bunting - Escribano montesino
Emberiza cia
Spain, 2017/08/14
Nikon: D500 + 800 mm f5/6E
Voilà un petit passereau ravissant tout en teintes douces avec un joli poitrail saumoné et un maquillage digne des grandes stars!
On le trouve en Europe méridionale dans les hauteurs où il fréquente les endroits secs et rocailleux.
On le trouve en Europe méridionale dans les hauteurs où il fréquente les endroits secs et rocailleux.
Beautiful passerine bird with soft salmon colours and a lovely make-up worth of the stars! In southern Europe it breeds in open dry and rocky mountainous areas.
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Chers amis, chères amies
Désolée de vous avoir fait faux bond pendant quelques jours
mes 2 articles précédents ayant été pré-programmés;
pour ceux qui sont au courant et pour les autres, je sors d'une pyélonéphrite aigüe accompagnée d'un début de septicémie mais à part une grosses fatigue, ça va mieux :) Et comme un ennui ne vient pas seul, mes nouveaux voisins ont trouvé le moyen de couper ma connexion internet en installant la leur et mon opérateur me répond qu'il y en a pour 8 à 15 jours avant que je sois reconnectée... Sympa! J'utilise donc le partage de réseau avec mon téléphone mobile, mais alors la lenteur... Je publierai donc peu ou pas et ne passerai chez vous qu'une fois reconnectée convenablement.
Big bisous à tous et à toutes et je vous souhaite en forme avec plein d'opportunités de belles photos!
Dear friends,
Sorry for my prolonged absence on the net, I had preprogrammed my last 2 posts; for those who know and the others, I am just out of the woods from a severe pyelonephritis but I am ok now except very tired. And as a problem never comes alone, my new neighbours managed to cut my Internet connection as they established their et my operator tells me it will take up to a fortnight before they can reconnect me... So I am using the share mode from my phone but needless to say it ever sooooo slow! I will not publish or very little and cannot visit your blogs before then, so bare with me ;-)
I wish you all to be in great shape and to have many an opportunity for great pics! All the best :)
Bonsoir Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerEt bien c'était pas la joie dis donc! Bon tu arrives au bout donc c'est une bonne nouvelle.
Ta série est très belle, de jolies couleurs "soleil" et un très beau piqué.
Bises et bon rétablissement.
Great post and I am delighted to see this blog. I was on the point of emailing you as I was worried so you have answered my email before I even sent it!! Hope that you are feeling better, not nice. Also the internet connection being cut....... Take care warm hugs Diane
RépondreSupprimerHoi Noushka.
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful pictures.
A beautiful bird.
Hope that you will be connected again soon.
Groettie from Patricia.
Tu as du jongler avec cette infection ! une cochonnerie que tu as mangé ? les infections urinaires sont longues à guérir totalement , j'espère que tout rentrera dans l'ordre rapidement .
RépondreSupprimerA bientot quand ta connexion sera rétablie
Muy bonitas imágenes.. Un abrazo y buen fin de semana :-)))
RépondreSupprimerBrilliant works.
RépondreSupprimerThank you for your visiting always.
I wish You all the best.
Greeting and hug.
From Japan, ruma ❃
Bonjour ma chère Nouschka je suis bien triste de ce qui t'es arrivé et tu dois être bien fatiguée.
RépondreSupprimerJe te souhaite un bon rétablissement et plein de pensées amicales.
Pauvre petit bruant qui est fou... en voilà un nom! lol... magnifique série et j'aime quand il plonge quand il plonge danns les branches/
Prends bien soi de toi et j'espère que tu retrouveras bien vite ta connection.
Pour ma part j'ai ramené de vilaines bactéries d'Alger dans le colon et dans les poumons. Cela fait plus d'un mois d'antibio et de cortisone et je commence seulement à en voir le bout.
Je t'embrasse bien fort
Dearest Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerGlad to read you are out of the woods for now. Drink concentrated cranberry juice, that is a natural antibiotic and helps your kidneys a lot. I've lived through that problem many times and will always be prone to a new attack.
Both of us went biking on Hilton Head Island, S.C. on a biking trail in nature with benches and restaurant nearby along the waterside. Heaven for nature lovers! Also we rode the Spanish Moss Trail partially as Pieter cannot do too much... That is a converted rail track and goes through the marshes along the coast so nature is around you. i'd wanted to distract our mind on purpose as the day before Pieter had his nuclear stress test done because of a leaking heart valve. Monday we got the results and it looked not good. So a heart catheterization was done on Thursday the 2nd. I got the verdict as I call it, read to me from a sloppily written note with heart shown as is with all its problem spots. There was nothing they could do, no stent placing as it would do more damage than good to the diffused small vessels. He mentioned the age... which hit me really hard, like you know we have to accept it. The only thing what they do is prescribe more meds for supporting his very weak heart that has an output of only 27% down from his usual 40% since open heart surgery on Sept. 3, 2010.
Yesterday I was so down and I know that all heavy chores in and around the house have to get done by others to make life less stressful and making Pieter relax. We will bike more but after we extend our garage doors outward because the 35 lb bike rack is way too heavy for Pieter to take on and off for being able to close the garage door. Hoping that God will grant us some more bike rides in nature together!
Coucou Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerEt bien, moi qui te pensais tout simplement en vadrouille ! Arghhhhhhhh pas glop pas glop tout ça ! Bon, si tu vas mieux, c'est une bonne nouvelle.
Superbes tes photos, et ce passereau que je ne croise pas par ici, est vraiment adorable.
Superbes les attitudes.
Bises et prend soin de toi.
Glad to hear that all is well, Noushka and that you are recovering. Perhaps it's a blessing in disguise that you are compelled not to indulge yourself too much on the Internet. Soon you will be off it Kenya with all the photographic opportunities there. Gros bisous, David
RépondreSupprimerI am for sorry to hear that you have had such a serious illness, Noushka! Please take care of yourself, dear friend, as you recover. I loved these photos of the sweet rock bunting.
RépondreSupprimerI am visiting in Calgary right now. It is cold and snowy: -11º C. The only birds I've seen are magpies. A frisky squirrel has been digging in the snow for berries in my sister Bertie's back yard. There have also been big rabbits running around. I am waiting for someone (don't know who) to pick me up (don't know when) to take me to my sister Barb's retirement party. Barb is at the airport waiting for her significant other Pat to fly in from Regina, Saskatchewan. His flight is delayed because of the bad weather. Such is life in Calgary on a cold and snowy day with terrible driving conditions.
I'll likely be off-line myself until I get home on Sunday.
Take care! Sending you love and hugs!
Admiration pour votre beau monde.
RépondreSupprimerLe dynamisme animé est transmis à moi.
Je vous souhaite le meilleur.
Salut et câlin.
Du Japon, ruma ❃
I'm so sorry to hear that you have been so ill, Noushka. I hope that it has not left you with any lasting damage. To have lost your internet connection on top of all that must have felt like the last straw!! I hope that all is back to normal soon.
RépondreSupprimerI'd love to see a Rock Bunting sometime, particularly as I've now seen your very tempting images!! ;-}
Take very good care. With my very best wishes - - - Richard
Il y a comme cela des périodes où tout va de travers et où nous avons besoin d'une bonne dose de philosophie et de courage. Heureusement tu vas mieux mais tu as dû passer par de bien mauvais moments. Prends bien soin de toi et bonne convalescence.
RépondreSupprimerPour ta connexion, c'est agaçant, mais tout va vite rentrer dans l'ordre.
Un doux dimanche à toi et des bisous!
Hi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerHope you are feeling considerably improved, sounds as if you have had a rough time. Also sorry to read about your internet problems.
Loved your Rock Bunting images, such a delightful bird, the markings around the eye are really beautiful.
Look after yourself.
All the best, John
Como siempre, unas imagenes de belleza espectacular...
RépondreSupprimerFeliz domingo, amiga
Unas fotos preciosas del Escribano montesino, me han encantado. Enhorabuena Noushka, un abrazo desde España.
RépondreSupprimerHi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerObviously you have had a difficult time. Fortunately your health is getting better now. But, what a bad luck with your internet connection. Just pay attention to photography, publishing will come when the time is ready.
The bird you show us here is very well photographed, as always.
Good luck, Kees
Coucou oiselle,
RépondreSupprimerToi tu vas revenir en janvier avec une merde ....
J'aime ce petit bruant, j'aime tous les bruants, je n'en vois pas beaucoup alors forcément. Superbes portraits !
Grosses bisessssss
Querida Noushka, espero que muy pronto te recuperes de tus males y que podamos seguir disfrutando de tan extraordinarios reportajes. Un fuerte abrazo desde Asturias.
RépondreSupprimerHEllo Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerThis is great again. Wonderful shots of this beautiful birds.
So nice and very well done!!
Best regards,
Wow .... almost like a painting. The details of each feather can be seen.
RépondreSupprimerThinking about you, my friend, and hoping that you are recovering well. Sending you hugs!
RépondreSupprimerJe ne connaissais pas ce petit oiseau!
Superbes photos!
oh dear, pyelonephritis!! I am glad you are past the worst of it. And then your internet service sliced!
RépondreSupprimerYour photos of this charming bird are lovely.
Sending you healing light.
I'm thinking of you and hoping that you are okay and continuing to recover! Sending you big hugs!