Actitis hypoleucos

Installée à l'affût au Martin pêcheur, je l'ai vu arriver de loin: il a volé plusieurs fois en rond autour de l'étang pour finir par se poser à 2,50 m devant moi.
Et il y est resté 3 heures!!! Rien à secouer de l'objectif qui bougeait!
Common sandpiper
Because it was so relaxed, I named it Bouboule (Plump)!
I was in a hide waiting for the kingfisher as I saw it arrive from a distance; it flew several times around the lake and finally settled 2,50 m in front of me. It remained there for 3 hours giving me the chance to observe it up close. Bouboule was very tired, not that he had a party in the night, but he must have flown from the north heading to Spain.
I was in a hide waiting for the kingfisher as I saw it arrive from a distance; it flew several times around the lake and finally settled 2,50 m in front of me. It remained there for 3 hours giving me the chance to observe it up close. Bouboule was very tired, not that he had a party in the night, but he must have flown from the north heading to Spain.
OK, Plump is more suitable indeed, Richard and John!!
What a wonderful experience you had with this delightful sandpiper, Carine, but naming it 'Fatso' is a bit unkind! All, super images, and the close-up of the feather detail is interesting and beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend - - - Richard
RépondreSupprimerthank you Richard,
SupprimerI didn't find the proper term to translate it from the french surname I gave it!!
Was again in hurry when I wrote this post, but I will try better and maybe.... you could help me find a more appropriate one ;-)
Kind regards dear friend!
What a pretty little bird and what great photos. The shot of the wing is amazing. Enjoy your weekend, hugs Diane
RépondreSupprimerHi Noushka.
RépondreSupprimerSuper nice pictures of this beautiful Sandpiper.
Mazzel that you could see so close for so long.
Groettie from Patricia.
Hi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerSuper set of images of the Common Sandpiper, they are such a beautiful bird, a little personal to call it fatso.
Wonderful feather detail, you were so lucky to have it so close for such a time.
Hope you managed some images of the Kingfisher.
All the best, John
Hi hi elle est rigolote ta bouboule ! Très jolie en tout cas.
RépondreSupprimerBonne soirée et bon dimanche.
je fonds .. il est si beau
RépondreSupprimerUne belle compagnie! Chacun appréciant différemment l'endroit!
RépondreSupprimerDearest Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerYour unexpected guest came before your lens in a wonderful way and you captured its feathers especially well.