Puisqu'il faut commencer avec l'une et finir par l'autre, je vous présente la moins spectaculaire en premier!
Shrikes are carnivorous and feed on small birds, large insects and won't ignore disdain voles, lizards and amphibians; they are known to impale their preys on bush thorns or barbed wires. When these birds fly back from their wintering areas, each individual quickly establishes a hunting territory in scrublands and spend their time defending it against other bird species.
The first one is the least spectacular of the two:
Lanius meridionalis
Shrikes are carnivorous and feed on small birds, large insects and won't ignore disdain voles, lizards and amphibians; they are known to impale their preys on bush thorns or barbed wires. When these birds fly back from their wintering areas, each individual quickly establishes a hunting territory in scrublands and spend their time defending it against other bird species.
The first one is the least spectacular of the two:
Lanius meridionalis
Voici donc la Pie-grièche méridionale
Cette espèce migratrice est très en déclin en France. Quand ces oiseaux reviennent de zones d'hivernage, les individus se partagent rapidement un territoire de chasse dans des zones arides style garrigue ou buissonneux qu'ils consacrent à défendre contre d'autres espèces.

Lanius senator
Pie-grièche à tête rousse Les deux premières photos ont été fortement recadrées et les conditions de prises de vues étaient particulièrement mauvaises, distance, lumière et évaporation de la terre sous un soleil brûlant, mais je vous les présentent néanmoins car je trouve trop mignon ce jeune qui ne sait plus quoi faire pour obliger son papa à le nourrir alors qu'en fait il se débrouille déjà très bien tout seul!
De bien meilleures photos bientôt!! ;-)
Woodchat shrike
The 2 first pics are heavily cropped and the conditions for taking then were very difficult (ie: distance, light and evaporation from the ground under this very hot and sunny weather), but here they are nevertheless because I find this youngster very cute, trying to get his dad to feed him although he can manage pretty well on his own!
Much better pics soon!! ;-)
Les jeunes étant indépendants, le mâle à nouveau très territorial en voyant la femelle, se précipite pour la déloger de son perchoir:
The male, back in his instinctive habit of defending his territory, dives onto the female to chase her away:
Lovely set of photos of the shrikes. I have never seen a shrike here, the only ones I know are the ones from Southern Africa. I have now tracked down the wild dogs, thanks for the tip!! I have now commented there as well. Take care and looking forward to further African posts. Cool hugs, Diane
Hi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerWonderful set of images of the Shrike, the water shots are the tops for me.
We have the occasional bird pass through.
All the best, John
Hi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerThe posts you published in August include a number of great pictures of good looking birds. You have had a lot luck to be able to photograph the different kinds. Some of the birds are familiar for me, but there are also species we never see in the Netherlands. Obviously every region has its own habitat and inhabitants.
Greetings, Kees
Encore excellentissime ma chère Noushka.. tu sais bien que je suis une inconditionnelle et une vraie fan...
RépondreSupprimerIl fait plus froid Youpi..
tout plein de bisous de chatou
What an excellent series of photographs, Noushka! Shrikes are among my favorite birds. Their habit of impaling prey has earned them the nickname "butcher bird".
RépondreSupprimerThank you for sharing these images showing the behavior of a very special bird!
Hola guapa.. Muy bonitas imágenes.. Este verano estoy disfrutando mucho tambien una familia de Alcaudones la mar de simpáticos.. En breve subiré un post.. Besos. .
RépondreSupprimerGracias Ana,
RépondreSupprimerLo miraré :)pronto.
Besos y abrazos
Je n'ai la grise qu'en Espagne ! Par ici , même les écorcheurs ont disparus avec l'augmentation des activités de loisirs sur leur territoire!
RépondreSupprimerDear Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerthe first/last picture of this wonderfull series is superb.
What a marvellous catch!
Best regards, Corrie
Dearest Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerDidn't know Shrikes but you introduced them in a wonderful way, complete with great story!