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19 mai 2019

Grand Koudou et Lechwe

Tragelaphus strepsiceros
Le Grand Koudou

Est une des 2 plus grandes antilopes avec l'Eland du Cap.
Elles fréquentent la savane sèche arborée d'acacias dont elles se nourrissent. Le pelage, brun-gris zébré de lignes claires, les dissimulent assez parfaitement dans les zones ou les troncs d'arbres sont apparents. Très puissantes elles peuvent infliger de sévères blessures à un agresseur et tuer un lycaon d'un coup de patte arrière. Inversement ici, ce mâle venait de se faire attaquer et sa paupière droite pendait à côté de son œil:

The Greater Kudu
is one of the 2 largest antelopes in Africa. It is found in dry savannah wooded with acacia trees from which they feed. Their grey-brown coat lined with light lines conceals them from predators although they are very powerful and can inflict severe wounds and even kill a Wild dog with a hoof kick.
This male though had just been attacked and its eyelid was hanging from the side of its right eye:

Kobus leche

Le Cobe de Lechwe
est une antilope qu'on trouve au sud de l'Afrique centrale, notamment au Botswana dans les zones marécageuses. Sa particularité est d'avoir un arrière-train surélevé et massif qui lui permet, en sautant, de se dégager de la végétation plus facilement en cas d'apparition d'un prédateur. Les mâles ont de belles cornes vrillées un peu en forme de lyre.

 Red lechwes
are found in the wetlands of south central Africa. Their hindquarters are high and strong to allow them easy escape from the vegetation in case of a predator's appearance. Males have beautiful long horns
somewhat lyre-shaped.

17 commentaires :

  1. Dearest Noushka,
    Both, the Greater kudu and the Red lechwes are majestic looking animals.
    Sad for the eyelid hanging by the Greater Kudu's side... Life in the wild can be rough and they have no access to medical treatment.

  2. Superbes images de ces belles rencontres! Quelle élégance ont ces animaux, tu nous offres de magnifiques portraits de cs gracieux habitants de la savane.On peut les admirer sans jamais se lasser.
    Belle semaine à toi, amicalement!

  3. Hi Noushka.

    Beautiful animals the Antelope.
    Super nice photos.

    Greeting from Patricia.

  4. Hi Noushka,

    Once again the pictures bring back memories. Kudus I have seen and photographed many times. Absolutely beautiful animals. Lechwes I have seen in Botswana only from a distance. You clearly have had splendid conditions to be able to make such beautiful pictures.
    Greetings, Kees

  5. Delightful images, Carine, of one magnificent antelope species, and one beautiful one. Great to see the Oxpeckers in attendance too!

    Have a wonderful week, and take good care. My very best wishes - - - Richard

  6. de telles cornes doivent attirer la convoitise de certains collectionneurs !
    sacrées belles bêtes en tous les cas

  7. Such graceful, powerful beasts. I'm guessing that the male kudu will lose or go blind in the eye that lost its eyelid. Poor thing! I hope that all is well with you, Carine!

  8. On ressent tout à fait la puissance du grand koudou à travers tes photos.
    Il ne doit pas faire bon croiser sa route quand il est sur sa lancée!!!
    Le cobe est beaucoup plus gracieux et M. est effectivement couronné d'une jolie lyre.
    Bonne semaine, Noushka!

  9. So beautyful Carine.

  10. Stunning photographs (!) of truly spectacular animals! Thank you so much, Noushka, for sharing your adventures. Nature's beauty comes alive through your lens.

    Gini and I hope your week is going well. We are trying to settle down after some traveling and hope to post a few images soon.

  11. Hello Noushka,
    kudu's are certainly among my favorite animals. The males look so majestic; the long, heavy horns make them move in a special, royal way. So I appreciate these pictures very much.
    Red lechwes I've never seen, but your pictures show them beautifully. In your last picture those two look so cute.

    Best regards, Corrie

  12. Conheço muito bem. As tuas fotos levam-me a grandes recordações. Preocupa-me os caçadores e as armadilhas. Quase ninguém estima o que é de todos.
    Boas fotos.

  13. Coucou chère Noushka, en effet cette antilope est impressionnante , j'adore la photo du saut.. Le Cobe de lechwe a des cornes extraordinaires et c'est amusant de voir son arrière-train si relevé. Merci pour ces merveilleuses photos dont je ne me lasse pas.
    Bisous tout plein et belle semaine

  14. Hi Noushka,
    Wonderful images of these beautiful animals, the Males always look so spectacular with the horns.
    Super post,
    All the best, John

  15. Quels beaux animaux, et impressionnantes ces cornes.
    Encore une magnifique publication. ^^

  16. El gran Kudú me parece unos de los antílopes más bellos.. El otro no lo conocía pero también es precioso.. Una maravilla de fotos. .

  17. Both are animals I know well. The kudu is so graceful. I hope that eye healed up on the male and did not impair its vision. Keep well, hugs Diane


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