Aquila chrysaetos

Golden eagle, an immature male
This eagle is not rare in Europe although in certain areas the human population density chased it away. Therefore, it is always an event to see such a bird appearing near one's hide. I am at the same water hole as for the Northern goshawk but this time without rabbit!
This individual, an immature male perched on the cornerstones of a collapsed house, a hundred meters from me and I used my 2 cameras (a full sensor and a small one) to get the best pics possible.
This eagle is not rare in Europe although in certain areas the human population density chased it away. Therefore, it is always an event to see such a bird appearing near one's hide. I am at the same water hole as for the Northern goshawk but this time without rabbit!
This individual, an immature male perched on the cornerstones of a collapsed house, a hundred meters from me and I used my 2 cameras (a full sensor and a small one) to get the best pics possible.
Après s'être fait un brin de toilette, il prend son envol et je me dis que c'est terminé; eh bien non: en fait il devait avoir mangé une proie car après un tour dans les airs, je le revois arriver par ma droite au bord du point d'eau pour boire.
After preening a while it took off and I thought that was it. Well no, in fact it most probably had eaten and intended to drink; I see it glide from my right and land in front of me.
After preening a while it took off and I thought that was it. Well no, in fact it most probably had eaten and intended to drink; I see it glide from my right and land in front of me.
Il devait être pressé, car il revient en arrière en sautillant et se plante hélas devant la partie la plus moche du coin, là où des herbes sèches et pleines d'épines viennent s'accumuler en roulant, poussées par le vent, celles-là mêmes que j'utilise le soir pour me mettre en planque, assise par terre avec un filet pâle, couleur crème par dessus.
He must have been somewhat in a rush since he reached the water hopping and started to drink right where ugly thorny shrubs had accumulated, rolled by the wind... Those against which I sit for the evening hide with a creamy net over myself and my equipment.
Clap clap clap, magnifique série et suivi Noushka.
RépondreSupprimerPerso, je ne le rencontre pas souvent celui-là.
Bisous et bonne journée à toi
Hi Noushka.
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful photo series of this beautiful arend.
Beautiful where he is drinking water ..
Groettie from Patricia ..
Oh wow, what fantastic photos and of a bird that i did not realise was even in Europe!! Your skill is limitless, bravo. Take care and enjoy the weather while you cam :-) Hugs Diane
RépondreSupprimerSuperb action shots, Noushka. I would love the opportunity to photograph a Golden Eagle, but so far only managed a couple of grabbed very distant shots of a juvenile - maybe one day? With my very best wishes - have a great week and take good care - - - Richard
RépondreSupprimerHi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerWhat a wonderful subject to get the opportunity to photograph.
The are really such beautiful birds and your images superb.
We have a translocation project started this year in the Scottish borders with these birds.
All the best, John
Dearest Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerThat Golden Eagle juvenile did put on quite a show with parading in front of you!
Love those strong legs, excellent photos.
Hi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerIt must already have been great to see such a bird from a distance. I can imagine that your heartbeat raised when the bird came nearer, offering you unexpected possibilities to make these pictures. What a bird! Impressive.
Greetings, Kees
Superbe série !
RépondreSupprimerUn point d'eau stratégique et une maison qui sert à autre chose maintenant.
RépondreSupprimerL'opportunité des affûts est sans limite.
Bonne chance à ce jeune, que sa vie soit aussi belle que ta série :)
Bonjour Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerC'est rassurant de voir encore ces grands oiseaux.Ils m'impressionnent toujours quand ils sont dans les airs, mais au sol et de si près c'est encore bien mieux Tu as su bien gérer cette opportunité!
Cela donnent de superbes souvenirs que l'on n'oublient pas!
Merci de tes commentaires , j'ai toujours plaisir à te lire.
Belle semaine à toi, bien amicalement.
Coucou Noushka cet Aigle royal t'a fait une magnifique parade. Qu'il est fier sur son rocher!
RépondreSupprimerj'ai trouvé génial de le voir évoluer: envol et atterrissage en douceur pour aller boire. Tout y est.. merci pour ce beau reportage et ces splendides photos.
De bisous tout plein