Calandrella brachydactyla
Les populations de ces Alaudidés qui viennent nicher dans la péninsule ibérique retournent hiverner dans le sud du Sahara. Ils affectinnent les terrains secs et ouverts agricoles ou arborés de petits buissons épars.
Ils ont un collier noir très variable plus ou moins épais, parfois interrompu sous la gorge.
Populations breeding in the Iberian Peninsula winter south of the Sahara in Africa. They are found in open and dry cultivated areas or sparsely planted with short shrubs. They have a black collar variable in shape around the neck, sometimes discontinued below the throat:

Il est adorable cet oiseau et très amusant avec sa huppe levée.
RépondreSupprimerTrès belles tes photos, comme toujours.
Grosse bises et belle fin de journée.
Magnifique petite alouette au bec bien massif. Les photos au bord de l'eau, avec le petit trio notamment, sont vraiment extras.
RépondreSupprimerGrosses Bises et bonne soirée.
Hi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerSuper images of this delightful Lark, super flight shots.
This is a bird I have never seen when in West Africa.
All the best, John
Thanks John, I wonder if it can be seen in Western Africa?
SupprimerThese birds were shot in Spain, Catalonia.
all the best to you too :)
Hi Noushka,
SupprimerHave checked in my Bible and no mention of this Lark.
Just the Crested, Flappet, Red-Capped and Rufous-naped.
Not a bird that I recognise, but when I lived in the direction most small birds were LBJ's LOL. Fabulous photos and I hope one day to see one. Take care and enjoy the weather while it lasts. Cool hugs Diane
RépondreSupprimerDearest Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerNever have seen this species but you captured it in multi forms, love the flying one.
This afternoon we have brought the baby mockingbird back to the area where I found it. Not on the road but on the wood edge a little further. Hoping that maybe its parents or siblings would be there and help it feed. I had to give up. Keeping it warm and in the sun, using a heat pad also, but it did not want to eat. The first day it did and than less and less. It went from 25 gram to 24 so that was saying enough.
Felt guilty... Love nature too much but I tried and could not do more.
Hi dear Mariette,
SupprimerI am really sorry for your mocking bird, it will not have made it since it was separated from its parents and even if they had been around, it would take just one predator to spot it and finished...
nothing we can do to force nature when everything is against the chick.
Keep well and enjoy what's left of the week
Coucou Noushka, alouette gentille alouette, alouette.....non pas question de poursuivre le chant.
RépondreSupprimerUne magnifique série, bravo pour ces belles photos.
Bonne fin de semaine et bisous tout plein