Anser anser
Anseriformes - Anatidae
Anseriformes - Anatidae

Nous sommes toujours le 10 novembre... Arrivée de la cheftaine d'un des groupes qui se sont scindés des 150 oies environ qui hivernent sur le site; les clics se déclenchent et on la sent sur ses gardes:
Greylag geese
Before we move on to some nice flights photos, here are the last pictures of the 10th of nov. when we were lucky to have this sunny spell and the geese really up close! They are about 150 of them on a regular basis but they usually separated into smaller groups when them go grazing. Here is one of them with their leader approaching although quite wary because of the camera clics!
Greylag geese
Before we move on to some nice flights photos, here are the last pictures of the 10th of nov. when we were lucky to have this sunny spell and the geese really up close! They are about 150 of them on a regular basis but they usually separated into smaller groups when them go grazing. Here is one of them with their leader approaching although quite wary because of the camera clics!
Cette oie est à l'origine des races européennes qui ont été domestiquées tant pour leur chair que pour la production de plumes mais aussi pour leurs œufs et même pour faire du gardiennage et désherber les cultures. En Asie c'est l'Oie cygnoïde (Anser cygnoides) qui est à l'origine de la domestication.
This goose is at the origin of the European species domesticated for their meat, feathers and egg production but also as an "alarm system" and for weeding purposes.
This goose is at the origin of the European species domesticated for their meat, feathers and egg production but also as an "alarm system" and for weeding purposes.

La cheftaine grimpe sur la berge, encore toute perlée d'eau et...
The "captain" climbs onto the bank, with pearls of water clinging to the feathers:
The "captain" climbs onto the bank, with pearls of water clinging to the feathers:
...s'installe au milieu des herbes, le cou tendu pour écouter ces clics qui redoublent... A la moindre alerte on la sent prête à sonner l'alarme!
She settles in the tall grass, neck extended, ready to fly of:
She settles in the tall grass, neck extended, ready to fly of:
D'autres s'en moquent éperdument et pacagent tranquillement:
Others graze happily without fear:
Others graze happily without fear:
On voit bien ici que certains de leurs très lointains ancêtres de la famille des dinosaures avaient le bec denté:
It looks quite obvious here that their dinosaur ancestors had teeth along each side of the beak:
RépondreSupprimerMerci à toi pour ces photos sublimes ! Quelle beauté !!!!
Noushka, wonderful closeup shots of the Greylag Goose. It is a cute goose, I love it's orange beak and legs.. Well done! Enjoy your day!
RépondreSupprimerVaya dientes que tiene el Ganso!!!.. :-))) Muy buenas imágenes. Enhorabuena guapa y felices fiestas..
RépondreSupprimerSympa le dernière ! Bon Noël a toi et ta famille, moi c est au travail à l hopital que je vais le passer mais après , 5 jours de congés et y annonce de la neige j espère que cela va donner des images sympas aussi
RépondreSupprimerThese geese were really showing off.
RépondreSupprimerGreat shots.
(And I never knew about their teeth! Looks vicious.)
Great captures of these geese. We have lots and lots of them around here. And they can make such a noice!!
RépondreSupprimerStunning images Noushka.
RépondreSupprimerLovely Noushka, everyone.
RépondreSupprimerVery nice series of Goose images Noushka, it will be a while before I see any of that lovely light here, come to think, I have'nt seen a Greylag this month yet! Merry Christmas mate!
RépondreSupprimerGeweldig mooi Noushka wat een pracht serie hebt je er van gemaakt en z,on duidelijke uitleg.
RépondreSupprimerElles sont superbes ! J'aime particulièrement les reflets de l'eau sur le plumage, plumage en lui-même fascinant... Cdlt, M.
RépondreSupprimerCoucou Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerMerci pour ces photos superbes, comme toujoursn mais surtout pour la dernière, ma préférée.
Bisous et bonne semaine. Bon Noël si je n'ai pas le temps de repasser.
Thank you, Noushka, for the pictures shared with us !
RépondreSupprimerMerry Christams and a happy New Year!!
Friendly hug !
Dearest Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerAh, foie gras... that thought makes me always sad! And I must admit, when we do sleep like a rose under our different goose down duvets, even Caribbean light-weights for summer, it makes me wonder how many goose breasts have been plucked for that!
Love the comparison to the omnivorous dinosaurs that had similar teeth; only a tad bigger!
Great photos and those water pearls look precious.
Merry Christmas to you.
RépondreSupprimerMagnifique série !!
Tes photos et explications sont vraiment très intéressantes !
Bonne journée
Hi Noushka.
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful pictures.
Happy days and wish you a very nice 2015.
Groettie from Patricia.
Great shots. Whenever I see pictures of Greylag Goose, or the bird in the wild, I am reminded of the work of Konrad Lorenz who won the Nobel Prize for his life's work with this species. For a fascinating study of the behaviour of this species read "Here am I - Where are you?"