Thekla's lark
Galerida theklae
Galerida theklae
Nikon: D500+ 800 mm f5/6E
Spain, 2017/08
Nikon: D500+ 800 mm f5/6E
Spain, 2017/08

Le Cochevis de Thekla présente un plumage généralement plus gris et plus sombre (selon les individus) et sur la poitrine les stries noirâtres sont bien marquées chez l'adulte, moins chez le juvénile. Si celles-ci ne sont pas bien marquées, le bec devient l'attribut de reconnaissance pour l'identification: il est plus long et plus fin que chez le C. huppé.
These two posts are published together in order to compare these 2 species:
The Thekla's lark can easily be confused with the Crested lark; and since both species come together at water dams, immediately comes to mind the question of who's who!
Thekla's lark has a generally darker and greyer plumage and the upper breast has black stripes more pronounced in adult birds. In juveniles this criteria is not an evidence so the beak is the best indicator, being longer and thinner than that of the Crested lark.
Lever de soleil en Catalogne:
Sunrise in Catalonia:

Un matin tôt dans la couleur encore orangée du soleil, pressé de se désaltérer:
An early morning in the orange light of the rising sun, eager to quench a thirst:

Ci-dessous en compagnie de l'Aloutette calandrelle:
With a Greater short-toed lark:
Ici devant un Cochevis huppé au bec moins long et légèrement plus épais:
Hereunder in front of a Crested lark with a shorter and slightly thicker beak:
Hoi Noushka
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful pictures of these beautiful birds.
The sunrise is fantastic.
Groettie from Patricia.
It is good that these two posts are together as it makes it much easier for identification I agree. WOW that sunrise is unbelievable. Well done. Keep well Diane
RépondreSupprimerHolaaaa.. Me encantan las Cogujadas.. Muy buenas imágenes.. Enhorabuena..