Nikon: D500 + 800 mm f5/6E
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Il y avait plusieurs mois que je n'y étais pas retournée et je voulais savoir si des changements avaient eu lieu et quels oiseaux on pouvait y observer. L'eau était basse, donc loin et les oiseaux rares à part les Oies cendrées qui sont revenues.
Domaine des oiseaux in Ariège, south of France
I hadn't returned there for a few months and I wanted to see how the site had evolved and which birds could be observed. Well the waters were very low so far away and very few birds were present except for the Greylag geese back to winter here.
J'ai eu la surprise de trouver une faisane qui piétait sur le chemin en allant vers "l'affût de la Bécassine". Munie de mon 800 mm mais sans trépied, j'ai tentée malgré tout à bout de bras, malgré ma côte fêlée suite à une chute en montagne!
I was happily surprised to see this hen in the lane leading to the 'Woodcock hide'. Armed with the 800 mm lens but without the tripod and in spite of a crack in a rib due to a fall in the mountains, I gave a try at a couple of pics at arms length:
Pheasant hen - Faisán común
Poule faisane
Phasianus colchicus
Phasianus colchicus

Grey heron - Garza real
Héron cendré
Ardea cinerea
Ardea cinerea

Greylag goose - Ganso común
Oie cendrée
Anser anser
Anser anser

Barnacle goose - Barnacla cariblanca
Bernache nonnette
Branta leucopsis
Branta leucopsis

Un joli colvert hybride avec une belle collerette blanche nageait avec les oies;
certaines espèces de canards, les colverts en particulier, s'hybrident volontiers même dans la nature.
certaines espèces de canards, les colverts en particulier, s'hybrident volontiers même dans la nature.
A cute hybrid mallard with a white collar was swimming among the geese; some duck species will hybridise easily even in the wild.

j'aime beaucoup cette faisanne
RépondreSupprimerBroken rib!!!!!!! I know how easily that is too do having broken ribs 3 times, and I also know how painful it can be!!! I had to do a 100km qualifying cycle ride before the Argus with a cracked rib and it was no fun!
RépondreSupprimerGreat photos despite the problem, and I just love that Barnacle Goose it is quite stunning. The Greylag in flight are also fantastic. Bravo. Take care and stay on your feet :-) Very gentle hugs, Diane
Hi Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerSo you had a fall in the mountains and cracked a rib, ouch. I can only but sympathise, it can be so painful, even when you are just breathing.
Wonderful images, the Greylay and Barnacle geese are favourites especially the flight shots.
Next time you are in the mountains, take a couple of cushions and a parachute.
Look after yourself, all the best, John
Coucou oiselle,
RépondreSupprimerTa petite nonnette est trop mimie, avec la cravant, je les adore toutes les deux.
Ton colvert brille de milles feux :) sa grande bande blanche peut venir du Canard Duclair qui doit certainement être élevé par là-bas. En tout cas, avec son tout petit bec il est, lui aussi, très mignon.
Aller canard boiteux, repose toi un peu lol.
grosses bisesssssssssss
Hi, Noushka! I've been enjoying catching up on your recent posts, from Le Renart to the little mallard at the end of this post. I loved the mountain landscapes of the Pyrenees that you shared, with and without the cow. I tried to quickly read up on the geology of the Pyrenees, but it is very complicated; and I didn't dig into the details (banana bread in the oven and chili on for supper). I'd love to sit down and focus on the geology during a quiet hour! Definitely there is more Pyrenees under the surface versus above ~ maybe 3.5 times at the thickest below ground when compared with the highest mountain above. Their roots are a rough 10 kilometers below the surface. I enjoyed all your beautiful does and stags and the crafty fox. My favorite birds were the bathing corn buntings with their beautiful brown grading into grey plumage. I'm sorry to hear that you cracked your rib,and I hope it's healing up well. Thanks for continuing to share your beautiful part of the world, my friend! Sending you big hugs ~ but not tight ones!
RépondreSupprimerQue belleza de imagenes... Que belleza de colores... Que belleza de plumajes...
RépondreSupprimerUn abrazo, amiga
jolie petite faisane, une belle proximité, ton colvert est superbe ! y'a pas c'est un bel oiseau
RépondreSupprimerHoi Noushka.
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful ducks show you.
Groettie from Patricia.
Sometimes it's good to connect with 'everyday' birds, as you have shown here, Noushka. Greylag Geese always seem to make such great subjects for photography, especially in flight.
RépondreSupprimerI'm so sorry to hear of your injury - it must be very painful. Take good care, and go easy on those hugs until it's mended. With my very best wishes - - - Richard
Bon jour Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerLe domaine des Oiseaux est un très bel endroit et je comprends que tu t'y rendes régulièrement. Il faudrait que j'y retourne un de ces jours d'ailleurs.
Une superbe série, de magnifiques rencontres et un coup de coeur pour la faisane.
PS : Retour des portes blindées sur blogspot ;-(
Bises et bonne journée à toi
Bonjour Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerTu as fais de très belles prises avec ces oiseaux, mon coup de coeur étant la poule faisane, que je trouve très belle.
Bises et bonne fin de journée.
Dearest Noushka,
RépondreSupprimerWow, that sounds like being painful to have a cracked rib from that fall in the mountain! Be careful and not too daring with all the heavy equipment in tow!
LOVE that very first photo of the Pheasant hen and also the next ones.
Great bird shots.
Sending you healing vibes and wishes for a happy weekend!